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georgej2 edited this page May 2, 2012 · 1 revision


-Error with USB-based Analog and Digital I/O Module

-Verified generator works properly with Oscilloscope

-Replaced data acquisition unit

-High count and low sampling <100 - amp is zero

-Low count and high sampling >8001 - amp is zero

-Count = sampling - graph is a large sinusoidal function

Git commands:


$ git status (status shows all files but not added)

$ git add * (* adds all files within folder)

$ git commit -m 'comment regarding upload'

$ git push origin master

Change directory

$ cd (hit tab button to have Git prefill)

List contents

$ ls


$ git clone (copy and past address)

Lab 4


The purpose of the lab was to familiarize ourselves with the data acquisition unit, labview, and github. In addition, gain experience with writing online lab notebooks and open science.


Required materials:

wave generator

data acquistion unit (DAQ)

jumper wires

  1. I forked the repository and clone the Lab 4 folder from github.
  2. I connected the DAQ to the computer with a USB cord and the DAQ to the wave generator. Using the the program InstaCal, I verified if the DAQ was working properly with the wave generator. I jumped the connectors 1 to 21 and 2 to 3 on the DAQ. I ran the analog test in InstaCal. The test produced a square wave function.
  3. I opened the example labview provided from the github Lab 4 files. I created a


Anthony says:

It looks like you didn't finish editing this notebook entry. In your notes section you have listed you ran into an error. Specifying what the error is and how you fixed it would be useful to know.


Your notebook looks a little better than mine, I think because of the lines and sections that organize it. I 'edited' your page to see how you did it and you have a bunch of pound signs. Did you use one of the buttons on the top or enter those manually? if you used a button, which was it?