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Guild activity monitor



Geobot needs to be able to Read Messages in channels where guild members will be posting messages. It needs to be able to Send Messages in channels where bot commands will be executed.


Geobot will only respond to messages that start with a mention for it, e.g. @Geobot help. Individual commands are explained in the following sections.


Mods and admins can execute @Geobot report to get a report on (1) initiates that have failed to make a contribution within a certain number of days after becoming an initiate, (2) initiates that have made a contribution within a certain number of days after becoming an initiate and (3) members that are inactive.

Mods and admins can execute @Geobot report $1 to get a detailed report on a particular guild member. $1 may be a user mention, user name or user ID.


Geobot uses Roles to determine which users should be monitored and which users can execute which commands.

There are four permission levels. If a user has no matching roles, Geobot will not respond to any commands from them and will also not include them in any reports.


Initiates are expected to make a contribution within a certain number of days after becoming an initiate.

Mods and admins can execute @Geobot set contribution $1 to confirm that a guild member has made a contribution. Admins can execute @Geobot unset contribution $1 to undo the aforementioned command. Mods and admins can execute @Geobot get contribution $1 to check whether a guild member has made a contribution. $1 may be a user mention, user name or user ID.

Admins can execute @Geobot add role initiate $1 and @Geobot remove role initiate $1 to manage which guild members are considered initiates based on their roles. Admins can execute @Geobot get role initiate to check which roles are configured. $1 may be a role mention, role name or role ID.

Admins can execute @Geobot set timeout contribution $1 to configure how many days initiates have to contribute. Mods and admins can execute @Geobot get timeout contribution to check how this setting is currently configured. $1 must be a positive integer between 1 (1 day) and 365 (1 year). The default value is 14 (2 weeks).

Admins can execute @Geobot set member joined $1 $2 to overwite when a guild member became an initiate. Mods and admins can execute @Geobot get member joined $1 to check when a guild member became an initiate. $1 may be a user mention, user name or user ID. $2 must be an ISO 8601 compliant UTC date or timestamp (e.g. 1999-12-31 or 1999-12-31T23:59:59.999Z).


Members are expected to be active within a certain number of days past. Activites include (1) being online on Discord, (2) posting messages in channels Geobot can read messages in and (3) playing certain games.

Admins can execute @Geobot add role member $1 and @Geobot remove role member $1 to manage which guild members are considered members based on their roles. Admins can execute @Geobot get role member to check which roles are configured. $1 may be a role mention, role name or role ID.

Admins can execute @Geobot set timeout lastOnline $1 to configure how many days ago members need to have been online on Discord. Mods and admins can execute @Geobot get timeout lastOnline to check how this setting is currently configured. $1 must be a positive integer between 1 (1 day) and 365 (1 year). The default value is 60 (2 months).

Admins can execute @Geobot set timeout lastMessage $1 to configure how many days ago members need to have posted messages in channels Geobot can read messages in. Mods and admins can execute @Geobot get timeout lastMessage to check how this setting is currently configured. $1 must be a positive integer between 1 (1 day) and 365 (1 year). The default value is 60 (2 months).

Admins can execute @Geobot set game timeout $1 $2 to configure how many days ago members need to have played a certain game. Admins can execute @Geobot unset game timeout $1 to remove a game from the configuration. Mods and admins can execute @Geobot get game timeout $1 to check how this setting is currently configured. $1 may a game name or application ID. $2 must be a positive integer between 1 (1 day) and 365 (1 year). No games are monitored by default.

Admins can execute @Geobot set member lastOnline $1 $2 to overwite when a guild member was last online. Mods and admins can execute @Geobot get member lastOnline $1 to check when a guild member was last online. $1 may be a user mention, user name or user ID. $2 must be an ISO 8601 compliant UTC date or timestamp (e.g. 1999-12-31 or 1999-12-31T23:59:59.999Z).

Admins can execute @Geobot set member lastMessage $1 $2 to overwite when a guild member last posted a message. Mods and admins can execute @Geobot get member lastMessage $1 to check when a guild member last posted a message. $1 may be a user mention, user name or user ID. $2 must be an ISO 8601 compliant UTC date or timestamp (e.g. 1999-12-31 or 1999-12-31T23:59:59.999Z).

Admins can execute @Geobot set member lastPlayed $1 $2 $3 to overwite when a guild member last played a certain game. Mods and admins can execute @Geobot get member lastPlayed $1 $2 to check when a guild member last played a certain game. $1 may be a user mention, user name or user ID. $2 may a game name or application ID. $3 must be an ISO 8601 compliant UTC date or timestamp (e.g. 1999-12-31 or 1999-12-31T23:59:59.999Z).


Mods can execute reports and confirm when a guild member has made a contribution.

Admins can execute @Geobot add role mod $1 and @Geobot remove role mod $1 to manage which guild members are considered mods based on their roles. Admins can execute @Geobot get role mod to check which roles are configured. $1 may be a role mention, role name or role ID.


Admins can execute all bot commands. The guild owner will always be an admin, as well as the bot superadmin (Geotim if using the invite link above).

Admins can execute @Geobot add role admin $1 and @Geobot remove role admin $1 to manage which guild members are considered admins based on their roles. Admins can execute @Geobot get role admin to check which roles are configured. $1 may be a role mention, role name or role ID.


The following sections are only relevant for developers of the bot itself.

Installing dependencies



    "admin": "replace-with-your-discord-user-id",
    "devmode": true,
    "token": "replace-with-your-discord-bot-token"


    "games": {
        "${applicationID}": "${name}",
    "${}": {
        "roles": {
            "initiate": ["${}", ...],
            "member": ["${}", ...],
            "mod": ["${}", ...],
            "admin": ["${}", ...]
        "timeouts": {
            "contribution": 14,
            "lastOnline": 60,
            "lastMessage": 60,
            "${applicationID}": 60
        "members": {
            "${}": {
                "joined": "${timestamp}",
                "contribution": false,
                "lastOnline": "${timestamp}",
                "lastMessage": "${timestamp}",
                "${applicationID}": "${timestamp}"