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Jody Garnett edited this page Apr 3, 2015 · 9 revisions


Andrea Aime



I can haz 6?


Description {#Java6-Description}

Java 5 has gone past it's used by date and is no longer easily available for the developer
community to work with. While we have had a large portion of our user community "stuck" with Java 5 in the past (in order to maintain enterprise edition applications) it is now time to move on.

This proposal is for:

  • updating trunk to use Java 6 immediately
  • make the life of trunk short (6 months at most)

This combination allows us to check out Java 6 issues early; while reducing the length of time we must back port bug fixes. Note this overhead is greater than normal due to the requirement to have two separate environments.

Status {#Java6-Status}

Voting is underway:

Tasks {#Java6-Tasks}


no progress






lack mandate/funds/time


volunteer needed

  1. (tick) aa: check build in Java 6 an apply eventual patches

    • (tick) Update pom to indicate 1.6 as a compiler setting
    • (tick) Exemplars used for image comparison tests will have to be updated
    • (tick) the tests were also modified to allow for differences in font metrics
  2. (tick) jd: Update hudson configuration

    • (tick) commit change to pom.xml
  3. Update developers guide build instructions

  4. Update user guide

    • (tick) Quickstart tutorial already advises use of latest JDK

Java 5 Volunteers {#Java6-Java5Volunteers}

The GeoTools 2.7 has the option to grow into a "long term" support target (as was the case with GeoTools 2.2).

This is of course dependent on downstream projects continuing to require Java 5 support for their customers; and in turn receiving funding to make additional stable releases.

If this has happened to your project please join the development list and volunteer;
to make an additional release. The release process is well documented and we can help set you up with credentials for both maven and source forge.

Community Feedback {#Java6-CommunityFeedback}

Developer Community feedback:

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