The video playback is organized in slots. Each slot can load a specific video file. and there is only one slot visible at any time. Playback is organized following the paradigm of a stack: if slot 1 is playing and playback for slot 2 is triggered, slot 2 starts playing and takes over the display. If slot 1 keeps playing and slot 2 is stopped, the display returns to slot 1.
Every aspect of playback (start, stop, speed, position) can be controlled via OSC. Scripts can also be loaded via OSC. Alternatively a folder can be loaded either via OSC or from the command line. In that case, clips in the folder must be organized as shown below, where each clip has a prefix indicating the slot where it should be loaded.
OSC-Video-Player --folder $(realpath media)
This will load each clip to the specified slot (1, 2, 4 in this case)
NB: this information might be out of date. To print the current OSC api, do OSC-Video-Player --man
OSC messages accepted:
/load slot:int path:str
* Load a video at the given slot. The path must be absolute
/play slot:int [speed:float=1] [starttime:float=0] [paused:int=0] [stopWhenFinished:int=1]
* Play the given slot with given speed, starting at starttime (secs)
paused: if 1, the playback will be paused
stopWhenFinished: if 1, playback will stop at the end, otherwise it
pauses at the last frame
/stop [slot:int]
* Stop playback. If no slot is given, the currently playing slot is stopped
/pause state:int
* If state 1, pause playback, 0 resumes playback
/setspeed speed:float
* Change the speed of the playing slot
/scrub pos:float [slot:int=current]
* Set the relative position 0-1. Sets the given slot as the current slot
In scrub mode, video is paused and must be driven externally
/scrubabs timepos:float [slot:int=current]
* Set the absolute time and activates the given slot. In scrub mode, video
is paused and must be driven externally
* Sets the relative (0-1) playing position of the current clip
(does not pause the clip like /scrub)
* Sets the absolute playing position of the current clip
(does not pause the clip like /scrubabs)
* Dump information about loaded clips
* Quit this application
Keyboard Shortcuts
F - Toggle Fullscreen
D - Dump Information about loaded clips
Q - Quit
bin/OSC-Video-Player [-r <int>] [-o <string>] [-m] [-d] [-p <int>] [-f
<string>] [-n <int>] [--] [--version] [-h]
-r <int>, --framerate <int>
Frame Rate
-o <string>, --oscout <string>
[host:]port (for ex. '', or simply '9998') to send
information to
-m, --man
Print manual and exit
-d, --debug
debug mode
-p <int>, --port <int>
OSC port to listen to
-f <string>, --folder <string>
Load all videos from this folder
-n <int>, --numslots <int>
Max. number of video slots
--, --ignore_rest
Ignores the rest of the labeled arguments following this flag.
Displays version information and exits.
-h, --help
Displays usage information and exits.
OSC Video Player
Given an installation of openFrameworks into folder OF
, put this project into OF/apps/myApps
- edit OSC-Video-Player.qbs and set
(give an absolute path) - set the import path of ofApp to