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yarn install

to install the dependencies.

Environment variables

Sensitive data is stored in .env-files in a folder called environments in the root project. Create a folder environments in the projct root and create the file .envin this folder. The file .env.example contains a template with all the necessary environment variables. Their meanings are:

  • POSTGRES_HOST=[The postgres host. For docker-compose, this is the service name.]
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD=[The password for the postgres database]
  • POSTGRES_USER=[The database user]
  • POSTGRES_DB=[The name of the database]
  • POSTGRES_PORT=[The port on which the database server is listening]
  • POSTGRES_USE_SSL=[true or false. If this is enabled, save the postgres certificate as postgres-ca.crt in the environments folder.]
  • FIREBASE_API_KEY=[The API key for the firebase project.]
  • FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN=[The auth domain for the firebase project.]
  • FIREBASE_DATABASE_URL=[The database url for the firebase project.]
  • FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID=[The project id for the firebase project.]
  • FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET=[The storage bucket for the firebase project.]
  • FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID=[The messaging sender id for the firebase project.]
  • FIREBASE_APP_ID=[The app id for the firebase project.]
  • GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=[Full path to json file with the credentials for the service account. If you use docker-compose, this needs to point to the location in the docker container, usually /usr/app/[projectname]-firebase-adminsdk.json, if you store your service account secret in the environments folder of this project.]

You should use different firebase projects for development, testing and production. You can look at the .env.example file in the examples environments folder for a template for environment files.

Never store your environment files or the service account credenetial file in a git repository or upload it to any service.

Built With

  • TypeScript - A typed superset of Javascript
  • Node - The javascript runtime environment
  • Express - The web framework
  • TypeORM - The object relational mapper
  • Jest - The testing framework
  • Yarn - Dependency management