A python implementation of the transfer matrix method for multilayer structures with arbitrary dielectric tensors. If you find py-matrix useful for generating results included in publications, please consider citing the following paper:
Pellegrini G. and Mattei G. (2014) High-Performance Magneto-Optic Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Design: An Optimization Approach. Plasmonics 1–6. doi:10.1007/s11468-014-9764-6
Installing py_matrix should be fairly easy. First of all you need a python distribution on your system. The simplest thing to do if you are using Windows or OSX would be to install Anaconda, a beautiful, free, and easy to use python distribution: the relevant installations instructions are found here. If you are using Linux you probably already know how to install python on your system, nevertheless my advice is to also install The IPython Notebook, which is already bundled in Anaconda.
The second step would be installing py_matrix itself. If you are familiar with git and github you can simply clone the repository, otherwise just download the zipped version of the repo and unpack it wherever you like.
The best thing to do for the moment is to start from the .ipynb
files in the
folder. You can load them in your local IPython Notebook instance: they
should give you a fair idea about how to proceed for your calculations.
Each function in the code features a detailed documentation easily
accessible with the Shift-Tab
tool-tip shortcut from the IPython
Notebook interface.