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Software installation

Andreas Schumm edited this page May 14, 2020 · 10 revisions

Download the AIASS software package from: GitHub The SIDBlaster is recognised by Windows as a “USB Serial Converter”.

It may be recognized as a COMx device with ports (in Device Manager). Edit: Your Sidblaster have to be flashed correctly with the ftdi prog tool and the template from the SIDBlaster project in this case. The actual hardsid.dll don't accept incorrect flashed SIDBlasters.

With older versions of Windows, installation of a driver by FTDI may be necessary, available at: FTDI

File paths

Extract the content from the AIASS software package and copy the relevant files to the following locations. File paths will depend on what version of Ableton Live you are using and where you have chosen to install your software.

  • Ableton Live 9 32 Bit version:
  • Copy SID.mxe to: C:\Documents\Max 7\Library\
  • Copy the 32 Bit version of the hardsid.dll to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Cycling '74\Max 7\
  • Ableton Live 9 64 Bit version:
  • Copy SID.mxe64 to: C:\Documents\Max 7\Library\
  • Copy the 64 Bit Version of the hardsid.dll to: C:\Program Files\Cycling '74\Max 7\
  • Ableton Live 10 64 Bit:
  • Copy SID.mxe64 to: C:\Documents\Max 8\Library\
  • Copy the 64 Bit version of the hardsid.dll to: C:\Program Files\Ableton\Live 10\Resources\Max\
  • using the full version of Max/MSP: Copy the 64 Bit Version of the hardsid.dll to: C:\Program Files\Cycling '74\Max 8\

###Load a device in Live Insert like an normal Max4Live device. AIASS supports multidevice, for example: if you have 3 SIDBlasters you can use 3 AIASS instances.

Error indication

There is a red LED on the top right, which indicates errors. If it flashes, you should check the Max console to see what is going on.

  • flashs in a period of 125ms when sid-object not found
  • flashs in a period of 250ms when an fatal error from sid-object detected (no dll found, no SIDBlaster connected, etc.)