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Filter section

Andreas Schumm edited this page May 14, 2020 · 1 revision

Filter activation buttons =The filter is activated for each oscillator separately (oscillator 1-3). You also have to select which filter type to use:

  • LP = Low Pass
  • BP = Band Pass
  • HP = High Pass

All filter types can be freely combined.

  • External input button = There is also an option to activate the filter for the external input. This will raise the noise level since the input of a SID-chip is quite noisy by design. Actually, the SID-chip in whole is pretty noisy, but that is part of the charm. As mentioned above, please be careful about what you connect to the input of the SID-chip. SID-chips are old and very sensitive to electrical spikes and too high voltages.
  • 3off = When activated, this disconnects Oscillator 3 from the audio path. If you also bypass Oscillator 3 in the filter section it can instead be used for modulation purposes.
  • SID-chip model button = There are two main types of SID-chip, the 6581-version and the newer 8580-version. The main difference is the filter. The 8580-version has an updated filter where the resonance control is more effective. The cutoff characteristics are also different between the two chips. If the button shows "6581", AIASS is in 8580 mode and vice versa. Try both modes, it might sound nice.
  • Freq. = Changes the filter Cutoff Frequency for all oscillators which have their filter activated.
  • Res. = Changes the Resonance amount for all oscillators which have their filter activated.