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AIASS POLY version

Andreas Schumm edited this page May 14, 2020 · 5 revisions


Since the SID-chip has three oscillators, it is possible to use it in Poly mode (Paraphonic to be exact, because all oscillators go through the same filter) and be able to play three simultaneous notes.

To use SIDBlaster in Poly mode, load the AIASS Poly instrument in Ableton Live.

The Poly instrument looks and functions the same as the Mono version, except for the Master section.

Poly Master section:

Incoming Midi notes are “rotated”. The first note triggers oscillator 1, the second note triggers oscillator 2 and the third note triggers oscillator 3, after that, the fourth note triggers oscillator 1 again and so on.

  • Stealm. = Steal Mode that cuts off old notes as new are played.
  • Link = Links the controls for oscillator tuning, ADSR and Pulse Width, which is helpful when adjusting the sound for all oscillators at the same time. If unchecked, all controls are edited one by one.

**Volume **, Vel->Vol , Reset/Init and the Activity LEDs have the same function as in the Mono version.