A Julia package implementing time-parallel methods.
This package is a registered package compatible with Julia v1.6 and above. From the Julia REPL,
]add NSDETimeParallel
Read the documentation for a complete overview of this package.
using NSDERungeKutta, NSDETimeParallel
using Plots, LaTeXStrings
u0 = [2.0, 3.0, -14.0]
problem = Lorenz(u0, 0.0, 10.0)
solver = Parareal(RK4(h = 1e-3), RK4(h = 1e-1), P = 10)
solution = solve(problem, solver)
plot(solution, xlabel = L"t", label = [L"x" L"y" L"z"])
This package currently supports only Parareal