This repository stores the current experiment code.
All of the IGOR experiment code is in the Procedures folder. The current procedures are:
- Camera.ipf - Camera GUI and utilities implementing the PCO camera XOP
- Config.ipf -
- DDS_CMD.ipf - Utilities for interfacing with the Monroe Lab DDS boards
- Fitters.ipf - Currently only Poisson fit
- Init.ipf - Initializes global experiment variables
- PulseGUI.ipf - GUI for creating and running pulse sequences and analyzing the reesults
- SequencerControl.ipf - Utilities for interfacing with the Monroe Lab sequencer FPGA
- SetPoints.ipf - GUI for manually changing sequencer TTLs and DDS frequencies
- TrapVoltageControl.ipf - GUI and utilities interfacing with the NI PXI-6713 8-channel DAC boards