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idTech4A++, idTech engine game For Android, DOOM III/Quake 4/Prey(2006)/DOOM3 BFG 1&2/The Dark Mod/RTCW/Quake 3/Quake 2/Quake 1


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idTech4A++ (Harmattan Edition)

DOOM III/Quake 4/Prey(2006)/DOOM 3 BFG/The Dark Mod for Android/Windows/Linux OpenGLES

毁灭战士3/雷神之锤4/掠食(2006)/毁灭战士3 BFG/The Dark Mod 安卓/Windows/Linux OpenGLES移植版.

Original named DIII4A++, based on com.n0n3m4.diii4a's OpenGLES version.

Latest version: 1.1.0harmattan53(natasha)
Latest update: 2024-07-17
Arch: arm64 armv7-a
Platform: Android 4.4+
License: GPLv3

idTech4's feature

  • Linux/Windows(MinGW/MSVC(without editor)) build
  • multi-threading renderer
  • png/dds texture image, jpeg/png/bmp/dds format of screenshot
  • obj/dae format static model
  • pure soft shadow with shadow-mapping
  • soft shadow with stencil-shadow
  • OpenGLES2.0/OpenGLES3.0
  • OpenAL(soft) and EFX Reverb
  • no-lighting rendering and no-lighting material
  • translucent stencil shadow
  • debug render tools support
  • DOOM3(with full body awareness mod)
  • Quake4(with bot mod, full body awareness mod) and Raven's idTech4 engine
  • Prey(2006)(with full body awareness mod) and HumanHead's idTech4 engine
Build DOOM3/Quake4/Prey(2006) mod for Android idTech4A++

Quake 4 SDK
Prey(2006) SDK

Compare with other OpenGLES rendering version of DOOM3
Feature idTech4A++ Other
Multi-threading Support
(but can't switch in gaming)
d3es-multithread support
(and support switch in gaming)
New stage shader
(heatHaze, heatHazeWithMask, heatHazeWithMaskAndVertex, colorProcess)
Yes -
TexGen shader Yes -
Shadow mapping for pure soft shadow Yes -
Translucent stencil shadow Yes -
Soft stencil shadow Yes
(Only OpenGLES3.1+)
OpenGL ES version 2.0 and 3.0+
(shadow mapping shaders has different version)
2.0(3.0+ compat)
No lighting Yes
(And support switch in gaming)
Debug render tools Yes
(need to set harm_r_renderToolsMultithread to 1 if in multi-threading enabled)
Support games
Game Engine Version OpenGL ES version Mods
DOOM III n0n3m4's dante - 2.0/3.0 Resurrection of Evil
The Lost Mission
Classic DOOM3
Overthinked Doom^3
HeXen:Edge of Chaos
Fragging Free
Quake IV n0n3m4's dante - 2.0/3.0
Prey(2006) n0n3m4's dante - 2.0/3.0
DOOM 3 BFG(Classic DOOM 1&2) RBDOOM-3-BFG 1.4.0
(The last OpenGL renderer version)
The Dark Mod Dark Mod 2.12 3.2
(require geometry shader support)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein iortcw - 1.1
Quake III Arena ioquake3 - 1.1 Quake III Team Arena
Quake II Yamagi Quake II - 1.1/3.2 ctf
Quake I Darkplaces - 2.0
GZDOOM GZDOOM 64bits - 3.2

Get it on F-Droid

Or download the latest APK from the Releases Section. Tag with -free only for F-Droid update.

Feature Github F-Droid
Ouya TV Yes No


  • Fix GZDOOM sound.
  • Update screen resolution settings on launcher.
  • Add compression textures support with cvar harm_image_useCompression for low memory device(e.g. 32bits device, but load slower) on DOOM3-BFG.

  • 修复GZDOOM声音.
  • 启动器更新屏幕分辨率设置.
  • 毁灭战士3BFG新增cvar harm_image_useCompression启用压缩纹理支持(对于低内存设备(如32位设备), 但会加载缓慢).

About Prey(2006)

For playing Prey(2006)(jmarshall 's PreyDoom). Now can play all levels, but some levels has bugs.
  1. Putting PC Prey game data file to preybase folder and START directly.
  2. Some problems solution: e.g. using cvar harm_ui_translateAlienFont to translate Alien text on GUI.
  3. Exists bugs: e.g. some incorrect collision(using noclip), some GUIs not work(Music CD in RoadHouse).
  4. If settings UI is not work, can edit preyconfig.cfg for binding extras key.
  • bind "Your key of spirit walk" "_impulse54"
  • bind "Your key of second mode attack of weapons" "_attackAlt"
  • bind "Your key of toggle lighter" "_impulse16"
  • bind "Your key of drop" "_impulse25"

About Quake IV

For playing Quake 4(jmarshall 's Quake4Doom). Now can play all levels, but some levels has bugs.
  1. Putting PC Quake 4 game data file to q4base folder and START directly.
  2. Suggest to extract Quake 4 patch resource to q4base game data folder first(in menu Other -> Extract resource).
  • SABot a9 mod multiplayer-game map aas files and bot scripts(for bots in multiplayer-game).
Problems and resolutions
  1. Particle system: Now is not work(Quake4 using new advanced BSE particle system, it not open-source, jmarshall has realized and added by decompiling ETQW's BSE binary file, also see jmarshall23/Quake4BSE), but it not work yet. Now implementing a OpenBSE with DOOM3 original FX/Particle system, some effects can played, but has incorrect render.
  2. Entity render: Some game entities render incorrect.
Bot mod
  1. Added SABot a7 mod support.
  2. Extract q4base/sabot_a9.pk4 file in apk to Quake4 game data folder, it includes some defs, scripts and MP game map AAS file.
  3. Set cvar harm_g_autoGenAASFileInMPGame to 1 for generating a bad AAS file when loading map in Multiplayer-Game and not valid AAS file in current map, you can also put your MP map's AAS file to maps/mp folder(botaas32).
  4. Set harm_si_autoFillBots to 1 for automatic fill bots when start MP game.
  5. Execute addbots for add multiplayer bot.
  6. Execute fillbots for auto fill multiplayer bots.



Classic bathroom

Classic bathroom in Rivensin mod

Quake IV on DOOM3

Prey(2006) on DOOM3



Resurrection of EvilThe lost mission Classic DOOM


Quake III : ArenaQuake III : Team Arena Return to Castle WolfensteinThe Dark Mod Quake IIQuake I DOOM 3 BFG: DOOM IDOOM 3 BFG: DOOM IIIDOOM 3 BFG: DOOM II


Change logs



  1. _MULTITHREAD: Add multithread support for rendering.
  2. _USING_STB: Using stb header for jpeg/png/dds texture image and jpeg/png/bmp/dds screenshot support.
  3. _K_CLANG: If compiling by clang not GCC.
  4. _MODEL_OBJ: Add obj static model support.
  5. _MODEL_DAE: Add dae static model support.
  6. _SHADOW_MAPPING: Add Shadow mapping support.
  7. _OPENGLES3: Add OpenGLES3.0 support.
  8. _OPENAL _OPENAL_EFX _OPENAL_SOFT: Add OpenAL(soft) and EFX Reverb support.
  9. _NO_LIGHT: Add no lighting support.
  10. _STENCIL_SHADOW_IMPROVE: Add stencil shadow improve support(soft shadow(OpenGLES3.1+), translucent shadow, force combine global shadow and self local shadow).

If want to port Quake4 or Prey(2006) to PC or other platform of based on DOOM3 engine open-source version, because DIII4A based on Android platform and OpenGLES, so has some differences with original version. But I mark some macros in source as patches at all changes, although must find these macros in source code and manual use these patches.

And for keeping original DOOM3 source file structures, for all new source files, I put them on a new folder, and in these folder has same directory structure with DOOM3(e.g. framework, renderer, idlib...).

Quake 4

_RAVEN, _QUAKE4 is patches macros, find them in DIII4A source code.
All new sources files put on raven folder.
  1. _RAVEN: for compile core engine (DOOM3 source code) and idlib (DOOM3 source code).
  2. _QUAKE4: for compile game (Q4SDK source code) library.
  3. Build core engine: define macro _RAVEN, _RAVEN_FX(OpenBSE if need, unnecessary)
  4. Build game library: define macro _RAVEN, _QUAKE4
About BSE

Because BSE not open-source, so I default supply a NULL implement and a uncompleted but working implement with DOOM3 Particle/Fx system(using macros _RAVEN_FX marked).

About BOT

Define macro MOD_BOTS will compile SABot a7(from DOOM3) mod source code for bot support in multiplayer-game.

About Full body awareness support

Define macro _MOD_FULL_BODY_AWARENESS will compile Full-body-awareness support.


_HUMANHEAD, _PREY is patches macros, find them in DIII4A source code.
All new sources files put on humanhead folder.
  1. _HUMANHEAD: for compile core engine (DOOM3 source code) and idlib (DOOM3 source code).
  2. _PREY: for compile game (PreySDK source code) library.
  3. Build core engine: define macro _HUMANHEAD
  4. Build game library: define macro _HUMANHEAD, _PREY, and original SDK macros HUMANHEAD
About Full body awareness support

Define macro _MOD_FULL_BODY_AWARENESS will compile Full-body-awareness support.


Define macro __ANDROID__.
  1. _OPENSLES: Add OpenSLES support for sound.


  1. REQUIRE ALSA, zlib, X11, EGL
  2. ./


  1. REQUIRE SDL2, zlib, cURL
  2. cmake_msvc_build.bat


  • Source in assets/source folder in APK file.
  • Using exportGLSLShaderSource command can export GLSL shaders.



  • /idTech4Amm: frontend source
  • /Q3E /Q3E/src/main/jni/doom3: game source
  • /CHECK_FOR_UPDATE.json: Check for update config JSON


  • For F-Droid pure free version.


  • /screenshot: screenshot pictures
  • /source: Reference source
  • /pak: Game resource


  • Original old n0n3m4 version source.

Extras download: