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View4Js is EcmaScript6 UI targeted for enterprise web application and hybrid mobile application SDK with following features.




	1. MV* Framework
	2. Pure Vanilla Javascript ECMA6 Support
	3. Can Integrate well with any CSS Framework and supports Bootstrap and Semantic UI CSS
	4. Easily extendible functionality
	5. Separate HTML design and behavior to give comfort to Designer and Developer.
	6. Supports Es6 HTML Template Literals with Event Binding
	7. Provision for Memory Management through create and destroy method.

Routing and Navigations :

	1. Have ViewManager, Navigators, ViewStack and View for Simple and Complex routing and View Management.
	2. Supports multiple Independent History Stacks. 
	3. Support Various Navigation Schemes out of Box 
	4. Path and Event Based Routing to support multiple View Updates simultaneously.

Event Management :

	1. Centralize Event Broadcaster to support loosely connected component
	2. Reference any HTML Element in code by css class based ID with scope of view reference to avoid memory leaks and Unique ID or RandomID generations.


Support ECMA script 6 templates. Can be use with Any CSS framework such Bootstrap, Semantic UI .

Navigator Components

Tab Navigator, SideBar Navigator, TopBar Navigator, Simple Navigator.

Binding : One-way and Two-way binding with Just single statement

	  1. HTML Element to Html Element
	  2. HTML Element to JavaScript Object
	  3. JavaScript Object to JavaScript Object
	  4. Support chain binding
          5. Input Element binds to->Model Object binds to -> Label Element
	  6. Custom property binding and event to trigger binding event.
	  7. Model to view binding
	  8. Prevent Memory Leak

Learning Curve:

Very Less.


Highly customizable.

Comparison with existing UI frameworks:

Can be use with Vue.js and React.js in components. Although it does not require as making component is not big effort in ES6.

API Documentation

View4Js API

How to Use it

Please have a look in Examples Live Demo

View4js Sample Application