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vLEI Audit Reporting Agent

The Sally vLEI Audit Reporting Agent receives presentations of credentials and notices of revocation, verifies the structure and cryptographic integrity of the credential or revocation event and performs a POST to the configured webhook URL.

All web hook POSTs will have the following header fields:

   "Content-Type": "application/json",
   "Content-Length": <size of body>,
   "Sally-Resource": "EWCeT9zTxaZkaC_3-amV2JtG6oUxNA36sCC0P5MI7Buw",
   "Sally-Timestamp": "2022-06-24T14:19:19.591808+00:00"

With Sally resource being the SAID of one of the following credentials:

Schema Type
EWCeT9zTxaZkaC_3-amV2JtG6oUxNA36sCC0P5MI7Buw Qualified vLEI Issuer vLEI Credential
EWJkQCFvKuyxZi582yJPb0wcwuW3VXmFNuvbQuBpgmIs Legal Entity vLEI Credential
E2RzmSCFmG2a5U2OqZF-yUobeSYkW-a3FsN82eZXMxY0 Official Organization Role vLEI Credential

The body of the POST to the web hook URL will be one of the following depending on event type (presentation or revocation) and credential involved.


The presentation API will be a POST to the configured web hook URL and will contain one of the following 3 payloads depending on the type of credential being presented.

QVI Payload

 "action": "iss",
 "actor": "EPqeYsDPrYdb9HxJ0Yk9gH0VfspezBVLjxAzjfTGsgkY",
 "data": {
  "schema": "EWCeT9zTxaZkaC_3-amV2JtG6oUxNA36sCC0P5MI7Buw",
  "issuer": "EPqeYsDPrYdb9HxJ0Yk9gH0VfspezBVLjxAzjfTGsgkY",
  "issueTimestamp": "2022-06-24T14:19:19.591808+00:00",
  "credential": "EnR0SI1z7gwUYvnRUSwSLvP8O5oWZ_uzuFKSQGmanR9w",
  "recipient": "EGhyphY8VJwvliB0ZeX6-8kkyS9L_eGZE-TkPifM29HY",
  "LEI": "506700GE1G29325QX363"

Legal Entity Payload

   "action": "iss",
   "actor": "EGhyphY8VJwvliB0ZeX6-8kkyS9L_eGZE-TkPifM29HY",
   "data": { 
       "schema": "EWJkQCFvKuyxZi582yJPb0wcwuW3VXmFNuvbQuBpgmIs",
       "issuer": "EGhyphY8VJwvliB0ZeX6-8kkyS9L_eGZE-TkPifM29HY",
       "issueTimestamp": "2022-06-24T14:19:19.591808+00:00",
       "credential": "EHcRiSahoTAKNWZRLNN7MGtUfbMJgUldvPjpc3NCWxsQ",
       "recipient": "EkjlNRao4AZEmasi2jb9E3u4xnLD5Oe2qkHS_JWCIq-U",
       "qviCredential": "EnR0SI1z7gwUYvnRUSwSLvP8O5oWZ_uzuFKSQGmanR9w",
       "LEI": "506700GE1G29325QX363"

Official Organization Role Payload

   "action": "iss",
   "actor": "EGhyphY8VJwvliB0ZeX6-8kkyS9L_eGZE-TkPifM29HY",
   "data": { 
       "schema": "E2RzmSCFmG2a5U2OqZF-yUobeSYkW-a3FsN82eZXMxY0",
       "issuer": "EGhyphY8VJwvliB0ZeX6-8kkyS9L_eGZE-TkPifM29HY",
       "issueTimestamp": "2022-06-24T14:19:19.591808+00:00",
       "credential": "EecctjiS0dFyohgz0GBC6O9NlJJ7-pSJ3U5ZFEvzm48A",
       "recipient": "ECRi-yUy_bq2YrgTKI-VbG1MdvWsNstdyjvfx1ZEHJOY",
       "legalEntityCredential": "EHcRiSahoTAKNWZRLNN7MGtUfbMJgUldvPjpc3NCWxsQ"
       "qviCredential": "EnR0SI1z7gwUYvnRUSwSLvP8O5oWZ_uzuFKSQGmanR9w",
       "LEI": "506700GE1G29325QX363" ,
       "personLegalName": "Stephan Wolf",
       "officialRole": "Chief Executive Officer"

Presentation Payload Field Key The following table contains a description for every field in all the credential presentation payloads defined above:

Field Label Description
action the action that triggered the web hook call. Value will be "iss" for issue presentations
actor The AID of the presenter of the credential
data Attributes specific to the credential being presentedl
data -> schema SAID of the schema of the credential that was presented
data -> issuer Issuer of the credential presented
data -> issueTimestamp Issuance timestamp for the credential
data -> credential SAID of credential being presented
data -> recipient AID of the holder of the credential
data -> qviCredential SAID of a chained QVI credential (for LE and OOR credentials)
data -> legalEntityCredential SAID of a chained legal entity credential (for OOR credentials)
data -> LEI Legal Entity Identifier
data -> personLegalName Person Legal Name data field of the OOR credential
data -> officialRole Official Role Name data field of the OOR credential


All revocation web hook requests will have the same format as follows:

Revocation Payload

   "action": "rev",
   "actor": "EGhyphY8VJwvliB0ZeX6-8kkyS9L_eGZE-TkPifM29HY",
   "data": { 
       "schema": "EWCeT9zTxaZkaC_3-amV2JtG6oUxNA36sCC0P5MI7Buw",
       "credential": "EZBfSGG5k1CZYk1QH3GXFPtEwLHf0H06zuDUEJRyar1E",
       "revocationTimestamp": "2022-06-24T14:19:19.591808+00:00"

Revocation Payload Field Key The following table contains a description for every field in all the credential revocation payloads defined above:

Field Label Description
action the action that triggered the web hook call. Value will be "rev" for revocation presentations
actor The AID of the presenter of the revocation
data Attributes specific to the credential being presentedl
data -> schema SAID of the schema of the credential that was revoked
data -> revocationTimestamp Revocation timestamp for the credential
data -> credential SAID of credential being revoked


To properly test the Sally server, one needs to check out the main branch of, the development branch of and the dev branch of this repo. All repositories require python 3.10.4 to run as well as a local installation of libsodium. We recommend using a virtual environment technology(pipenv for example) for each repository. Finally, many of the bash commands and shell scripts require an installation of jq running locally.


The vLEI server provides endpoints for Data OOBIs for the credential schema for the vLEI ecosystem. To run the server, you must run:

pip install -r requirements.txt
vLEI-server -s schema/acdc -c samples/acdc -o samples/oobis

And leave the server running to is is accessible to Sally and the agents running from KERIpy.


From KERIpy you will run 1 server that provide witnesses. In addition you will run a shell script which uses kli to execute KERI commands to create identifiers and issue credentials.

First, to install all required dependencies run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then in one terminal to start the witness servers run and leave running:

kli witness demo

Now that the servers are running, you will use the shell script scripts/demo/vLEI/ to create several sample vLEI participants including GLEIF External, a Qualified vLEI Issuer, a Legal Entity and a person representing the Legal Entity in an Official Role and issue them vLEI credentals. Simply execute the script and wait for it to complete creating all identifiers and issuing all credentuals.

KERI_SCRIPT_DIR=./scripts KERI_DEMO_SCRIPT_DIR=./scripts/demo ./scripts/demo/vLEI/


Now that you have a sample vLEI ecosystem running you will need to configure and run the Sally server. In order to start Sally you will need to create an AID that uses our local witnesses for Sally to use. The following two commands need to be run from a virtual environment that has keripy configured to run so the kli command is available. (We usually accomplish this by running pip install -e . from inside the keripy directory with the virtual environment configured for Sally). You will need to adjust the paths in the script to point to the correct location of keripy.

export KERIPY=../keripy
kli init --name sally --nopasscode --config-dir ${KERIPY}/scripts --config-file demo-witness-oobis-schema --salt 0ACDXyMzq1Nxc4OWxtbm9fle
kli incept --name sally --alias sally --file ${KERIPY}/scripts/demo/data/trans-wits-sample.json
kli oobi resolve --name sally --oobi-alias qvi --oobi

Finally, you can start (and leave running) the Sally server with:

sally server start --name sally --alias sally --web-hook --auth EHOuGiHMxJShXHgSb6k_9pqxmRb8H-LT0R2hQouHp8pW

If you require a sample web hook to receive the notifications from the Sally server one is provided in this repo. You can run the sample hook server in a seperate terminal with the following command (the above Sally command assumes this server and port).

sally hook demo

Once all servers are running, the final step before you can present credentials is to connect the servers together using OOBI resolution and then you will be able to present the credentials from the vLEI agents to the Sally server. To connect the vLEI issuer to the Sally server, run the following curl command:

kli oobi resolve --name qvi --oobi-alias sally --oobi

Presenting Credentials

To present the Legal Entity credential created above, you need to use the kli to retrieve the SAID of that credential from the Agent of the Legal Entity and then use the kli to tell that agent to present the credential to Sally server. The following two commands will perform those steps and can be repeated multiple times to test Sally integration:

LE_SAID=`kli vc list --name legal-entity --alias legal-entity --said`
kli ipex grant --name qvi --alias qvi --said ${LE_SAID} --recipient sally

Revoking Credentials

To revoke a credential from the command line, use the kli vc revoke command as follows. Note the use of the ---send command line option to specify additional parties (AIDs or aliasa) to send the revocation events to:

LE_SAID=`kli vc list --name legal-entity --alias legal-entity --said`
kli vc revoke --name qvi --alias qvi --registry-name vLEI-qvi --said "$LE_SAID" --send sally

The SAID value (after the --said option) is the SAID of the credential to revoke. Specifying the sally alias will result in the revocation events being sent to Sally which will process them and report to the web hook the revocation.