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Releases: globus/globus-sdk-python


06 Sep 17:37
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  • The scope builder for SpecificFlowClient is now available for direct access and use via globus_sdk.scopes.SpecificFlowScopeBuilder. Callers can initialize this class with a flow_id to get a scope builder for a specific flow, e.g., SpecificFlowScopeBuilder(flow_id).user. SpecificFlowClient now uses this class internally. (#1030)

  • TransferClient.add_app_data_access_scope now accepts iterables of collection IDs as an alternative to individual collection IDs. (#1034)


  • Added login(...), logout(...), and login_required(...) to the experimental GlobusApp construct. (#1041)

    • login(...) initiates a login flow if:

      • the current entity requires a login to satisfy local scope requirements or
      • auth_params/force=True is passed to the method.
    • logout(...) remove and revokes the current entity's app-associated tokens.

    • login_required(...) returns a boolean indicating whether the app believes
      a login is required to satisfy local scope requirements.



  • Made run_login_flow private in the experimental GlobusApp construct. Usage sites should be replaced with either app.login() or app.login(force=True). (#1041)

    • Old Usage

      app = UserApp("my-app", client_id="<my-client-id>")
    • New Usage

      app = UserApp("my-app", client_id="<my-client-id>")


  • The client for Globus Timers has been renamed to TimersClient. The prior name, TimerClient, has been retained as an alias. (#1032)

    • Similarly, the error and scopes classes have been renamed and aliased: TimersAPIError replaces TimerAPIError and TimersScopes replaces TimerScopes.

    • Internal module names have been changed to timers from timer where possible.

    • The service_name attribute is left as timer for now, as it is integrated into URL and _testing logic.


  • The experimental TokenStorageProvider and LoginFlowManagerProvider protocols have been updated to require keyword-only arguments for their for_globus_app methods. This protects against potential ordering confusion for their arguments. (#1028)

  • The default_scope_requirements for globus_sdk.FlowsClient has been updated to list the Flows all scope. (#1029)

  • The CommandLineLoginFlowManager now exposes print_authorize_url and prompt_for_code as methods, which replace the login_prompt and code_prompt parameters. Users who wish to customize prompting behavior now have a greater degree of control, and can effect this by subclassing the CommandLineLoginFlowManager. (#1039)

    Example usage, which uses the popular click library to handle the prompts:

    import click
    from globus_sdk.experimental.login_flow_manager import CommandLineLoginFlowManager
    class ClickLoginFlowManager(CommandLineLoginFlowManager):
      def print_authorize_url(self, authorize_url: str) -> None:
         click.echo("Login here for a code:", fg="yellow"))
      def prompt_for_code(self) -> str:
         return click.prompt("Enter the code here:")
  • GlobusApp.token_storage is now a public property, allowing users direct access to the ValidatingTokenStorage used by the app to build authorizers. (#1040)

  • The experimental GlobusApp construct's scope exploration interface has changed from app.get_scope_requirements(resource_server: str) -> tuple[Scope] to app.scope_requirements. The new property will return a deep copy of the internal requirements dictionary mapping resource server to a list of Scopes. (#1042)


  • TimerScopes is now a deprecated name. Use TimersScopes instead. (#1032)



  • Container types in GlobusApp function argument annotations are now generally covariant collections like Mapping rather than invariant types like dict. (#1035)


  • The Globus Timers examples have been significantly enhanced and now leverage more modern usage patterns. (#1032)


02 Aug 20:02
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  • Added a reference to the new Flows all scope under
    globus_sdk.scopes.FlowsScopes.all. (#1016)


  • Added support for ScopeCollectionType to GlobusApp's __init__ and
    add_scope_requirements methods. (#1020)


  • Updated ScopeCollectionType to be defined recursively. (#1020)

  • TransferClient.add_app_data_access_scope now raises an error if it is
    given an invalid collection ID. (#1022)


  • Changed the experimental GlobusApp class in the following way (#1017):

    • app_name is no longer required (defaults to "Unnamed Globus App")

    • Token storage now defaults to including the client id in the path.

      • Old (unix) : ~/.globus/app/{app_name}/tokens.json

      • New (unix): ~/.globus/app/{client_id}/{app_name}/tokens.json

      • Old (win): ~\AppData\Local\globus\app\{app_name}\tokens.json

      • New (win): ~\AppData\Local\globus\app\{client_id}\{app_name}\tokens.json

    • GlobusAppConfig.token_storage now accepts shorthand string references:
      "json" to use a JSONTokenStorage, "sqlite" to use a
      SQLiteTokenStorage and "memory" to use a MemoryTokenStorage.

    • GlobusAppConfig.token_storage also now accepts a TokenStorageProvider,
      a class with a for_globus_app(...) -> TokenStorage class method.

    • Renamed the experimental FileTokenStorage attribute .filename to

  • Changed the experimental GlobusApp class in the following ways (#1018):

    • LoginFlowManagers now insert GlobusApp.app_name into any native
      client login flows as the prefill_named_grant.

    • GlobusAppConfig now accepts a login_redirect_uri parameter to specify
      the redirect URI for a login flow.

      • Invalid when used with a LocalServerLoginFlowManager.

      • Defaults to "" for native
        client flows. Raises an error if not set for confidential ones.

    • UserApp now allows for the use of confidential client flows with the use of
      either a LocalServerLoginFlowManager or a configured login_redirect_uri.

    • GlobusAppConfig.login_flow_manager now accepts shorthand string references
      "command-line" to use a CommandLineLoginFlowManager and
      "local-server" to use a LocalServerLoginFlowManager.

    • GlobusAppConfig.login_flow_manager also now accepts a
      LoginFlowManagerProvider, a class with a
      for_globus_app(...) -> LoginFlowManager class method.


  • Added a scope normalization function globus_sdk.scopes.scopes_to_scope_list to
    translate from ScopeCollectionType to a list of Scope objects.


25 Jul 19:32
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  • The TransferClient.task_list method now supports orderby as a
    parameter. (#1011)


  • The SQLiteTokenStorage component in globus_sdk.experimental has been
    changed in several ways to improve its interface. (#1004)

    • :memory: is no longer accepted as a database name. Attempts to use it
      will trigger errors directing users to use MemoryTokenStorage instead.

    • Parent directories for a target file are automatically created, and this
      behavior is inherited from the FileTokenStorage base class. (This was
      previously a feature only of the JSONTokenStorage.)

    • The config_storage table has been removed from the generated database
      schema, the schema version number has been incremented to 2, and
      methods and parameters related to manipulation of config_storage have
      been removed.


  • Added a new experimental "Updated Examples" section which rewrites and reorders
    many examples to aid in discovery. (#1008)

  • GlobusApp, UserApp, and ClientApp class reference docs. (#1013)

  • Added a narrative example titled Using a GlobusApp detailing the basics of
    constructing and using a GlobusApp. (#1013)

  • Remove unwritten example updates from toctree. (#1014)


15 Jul 23:00
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Python Support

  • Remove support for Python 3.7. (#997)


  • Add globus_sdk.ConnectorTable which provides information on supported Globus Connect Server connectors. This object maps names to IDs and vice versa. (#955)

  • Support adding query parameters to ConfidentialAppAuthClient.oauth2_token_introspect via a query_params argument. (#984)

  • Add get_gcs_info as a helper method to GCSClient for getting information from a Globus Connect Server's info API route.

  • Add endpoint_client_id as a property to GCSClient.

  • Clients will now emit a X-Globus-Client-Info header which reports the version of the globus-sdk which was used to send a request. Users may customize this header further by modifying the globus_client_info object attached to the transport object. (#990)


  • Add a new abstract class, TokenStorage, to experimental. TokenStorage expands the functionality of StorageAdapter but is not fully backwards compatible. (#980)

    • FileTokenStorage, JSONTokenStorage, MemoryTokenStorage and SQLiteTokenStorage are new concrete implementations of TokenStorage.
  • Add ValidatingStorageAdapter to experimental, which validates that identity is maintained and scope requirements are met on token storage/retrieval. (#978, #980)

  • Add a new abstract class, AuthorizerFactory to experimental. AuthorizerFactory provides an interface for getting a GlobusAuthorizer from a ValidatingTokenStorage. (#985)

    • AccessTokenAuthorizerFactory, RefreshTokenAuthorizerFactory, and ClientCredentialsAuthorizerFactory are new concrete implementations of AuthorizerFactory.
  • Add a new abstract class, GlobusApp to experimental. A GlobusApp is an abstraction which allows users to define their authorization requirements implicitly and explicitly, attach that state to their various clients, and drive login flows. (#986)

    • UserApp and ClientApp are new implementations of GlobusApp which handle authentications for user-login and client-credentials.

    • GlobusAppConfig is an object which can be used to control GlobusApp behaviors.

  • Add app as an optional argument to BaseClient which will accept a GlobusApp to handle authentication, token validation, and token storage when using the client.

  • Add default_scope_requirements as a property to BaseClient for subclasses to define scopes to automatically be used with a GlobusApp. The default implementation raises a NotImplementedError.

  • Add add_app_scope to BaseClient as an interface for adding additional scope requirements to its app.

  • AuthClient, FlowsClient, GCSClient, GroupsClient, SearchClient, TimerClient, and TransferClient all add app as an optional argument and define default_scope_requirements so that they can be used with a GlobusApp.

  • Add add_app_data_access_scope to TransferClient as an interface for adding a dependent data access scope requirements needed for interacting with standard Globus Connect Server mapped collections to its app.

  • Auto-login (overridable in config) GlobusApp login retry on token validation error. (#994)

  • Added the configuration parameter GlobusAppConfig.environment. (#1001)


  • GCSClient instances now have a non-None resource_server property.

  • GlobusAuthorizationParameters no longer enforces that at least one field is set. (#989)

  • Improved the validation and checking used inside of globus_sdk.tokenstorage.SimpleJSONFileAdapter and globus_sdk.experimental.tokenstorage.JSONTokenStorage. (#997)


  • GCSClient.connector_id_to_name has been deprecated. Use ConnectorTable.lookup instead. (#955)



  • When a JSONTokenStorage is used, the containing directory will be automatically be created if it doesn't exist. (#998)

  • GlobusApp.add_scope_requirements now has the side effect of clearing the authorizer cache for any referenced resource servers. (#1000)

  • GlobusAuthorizer.scope_requirements was made private and a new method for accessing scope requirements was added at GlobusAuthorizer.get_scope_requirements. (#1000)

  • A GlobusApp will now auto-create an Auth consent client for dependent scope evaluation against consents as a part of instantiation. (#1000)

  • Fixed a bug where specifying dependent tokens in a new GlobusApp would cause the app to infinitely prompt for log in. (#1002)

  • Fixed a GlobusApp bug which would cause LocalServerLoginFlowManager to error on MacOS when versions earlier than Python 3.11. (#1003)


  • Document how to manage Globus SDK warnings. (#988)


26 Apr 21:03
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  • Added a new AuthClient method get_consents and supporting local data objects.
    These allows a client to poll and interact with the current Globus Auth consent state
    of a particular identity rooted at their client. (#971)

  • Added LoginFlowManager and CommandLineLoginFLowManager to experimental (#972)

  • Added LocalServerLoginFlowManager to experimental (#977)

  • Added support to FlowsClient for the validate_flow operation of the
    Globus Flows service. (#979)


15 Apr 16:40
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  • Add globus_sdk.tokenstorage.MemoryAdapter for the simplest possible in-memory token storage mechanism. (#964)

  • ConfidentialAppAuthClient.oauth2_get_dependent_tokens now supports the scope parameter as a string or iterable of strings. (#965)

  • Moved scope parsing out of experimental. The Scope construct is now importable from the top level globus_sdk module. (#966)

  • Support updating subscriptions assigned to flows in the Flows service. (#974)


  • Fix concurrency problems in the test suite caused by isort's .isorted temporary files. (#973)


06 Mar 17:07
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  • Added TransferClient.operation_stat helper method for getting the status of a path on a collection (#961)


01 Mar 17:04
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  • IterableGCSResponse and UnpackingGCSResponse are now available as top-level exported names. (#956)

  • Add GroupsClient.get_group_by_subscription_id for resolving subscriptions to groups. This also expands the _testing data for get_group to include a subscription group case. (#957)

  • Added prompt to the recognized Globus Authorization Requirements Error authorization_parameters fields. (#958)


14 Feb 23:27
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  • All of the basic HTTP methods of BaseClient and its derived classes which accept a data parameter for a request body, e.g. or GroupsClient.put, now allow the data to be passed in the form of already encoded bytes. (#951)


  • Update ensure_datatype to work with documents that set DATA_TYPE to MISSING instead of omitting it (#952)


12 Feb 22:11
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  • Added support for GCS endpoint get & update operations. (#933)

    • gcs_client.get_endpoint()
    • gcs_client.update_endpoint(EndpointDocument(...))
  • TransferClient.endpoint_manager_task_list() now supports filter_endpoint_use as a parameter. (#948)

  • FlowsClient.create_flow now supports subscription_id as a parameter. (#949)