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Java SpringBoot Backend

Microservice-based architecture that implements:

  • Auth Microservice which retrieves Jwt Token to access the other services.
  • API Gateway to filter and redirect requests.
  • Service Discovery with Eureka to hide IP on requests between microservices, using only Gateway URI.
  • Simple Store Service to test endpoints, auth and redirect.

Java version: 17

Spring Boot: 3.0.5


By using the API Gateway URI: http://localhost:9000

  • Auth Service Endpoints
    Endpoint Method Param Body Response
    /auth/register POST --- {"username": "xx", "email": "xx@...", "password": "XX"} 201, 500
    /auth/login POST --- {"username": "xx", "password": "XX"} JwtToken(STRING)
    /auth/validate (test) GET "token": JwtToken --- 200, 400
  • Store API Endpoints
    Endpoint Method Param Body Response
    /cart GET --- --- 200, 500
    /cart POST --- {"products": []} 201, 500
    /cart/{cartId}/products/{productId} PUT --- --- 200, 500
    /cart/{cartId}/products/{productId} DELETE --- --- 200, 500
    /cart/{cartId} DELETE --- --- 200, 500
    /products GET --- --- 200, 500
    /products POST --- {"name": "XX", "price": 0, "stock": 0} 201, 500
    /products/{productId} DELETE --- --- 200, 500


Deploy backend on containers


Deploy containerized backend on Kubernetes cluster

AWS Deploy

Deploy Docker containers on EC2 instance

Future Improvements:

  • All
    • Dockerize services with config params secured.
  • Auth Service
    • Role implementation.
    • Logout.
    • Destroy Jwt when init service
    • SQL Database instead H2.
  • Store Service
    • SQL Database instead H2.
    • Cart using hashset of products.
  • API Gateway
    • Role and user extract on Jwt.
    • Check predicates and filters to improve security.