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Some notes on how to use gdb to do some binary analysis and debugging


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GDB Tutorial


Debugging is the art and science of finding and eliminating bugs in software. Bugs can be simple functional issues or in some cases have security implications. gdb is a famous debugger included in many UNIX or UNIX-like systems. Let's see in these notes, how to use gdb properly in order to effectively debug software.

In order to open a program with gdb we do:

 gdb ./programName
 # opens programName with gdb

Once we are in GDB we can run the program by doing:

 run parameter1 parameter2 
 # in this case we run the program passing the specified parameters

if the program was compiled with the so called "debugging symbols", we will will have useful information about variables, functions, and other stuff. Debug symbols can either be integral part of the binary file or can be placed in a separate file.

We can disassemble a program by doing:

 disassemble main
 # this will disassemble main, an arrow drawn like "=>" will show what EIP
 # is pointing to, so what is the next instruction which will be executed

we can attach gdb to a running process by doing:

 attach pid
 # attaches GDB to the specified process ID

we can also attach to an existing process by launching gdb in quiet mode, so that the boilerplate initial information does not appear in the output by doing:

gdb -q -p <PID>

if the program crashes we can run:

 # show the current stack, an alias is "bt"

Debugging Symbols

We need to be explicitly mention the intention to create debug symbols at compile time, we have different kind of debug symbol file types:

  • DWARF 2
  • COFF
  • Stabs

we have two options with gcc in order to compile with debug symbols:

  • "-g" flag: in order to compile a program with debug symbols with a format taken from the Operating System;
  • "-ggdb" flag: in order to compile a program with GDB specific debug symbols , these are the best one understood by gdb.

In a practical compilation scenario we can include debug symbold by doing:

 gcc -ggdb programName.c -o programName

What Symbol Files tell us ?

The information provided by debug files and debug symbols can be summarized as follows:

  • info on sources: so we will have the source code available, done with "list 1" or "list", or we can see the source file name with "info sources" N.B.: if we rename or delete the source code file/files we won't be able to list source code
  • info on functions: list of functions available with relative name of the source, we can do this with "info functions";
  • info on (global) variables: list of variables available, we can do this with "info variables", this will list only global variables; Notice that in order to get info on local variables we have to specify the scope, we can do this by with "info scope" + tab tab will give us the list of available scopes and we do for example "info scope functionName" or "info scope main".

In order to detach (or strip) symbols from a binary file and save them in a separate file we can do:

 objcopy --only-keep-debug <BinaryFile> <OutputDebugFile>
 # we will put debug symbols of the program binaryFile in the file 
 # called debugFile, without deleting them from the binary

we can attach debug symbols to a binary by doing:

 objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=<InputDebugFile> <BinaryFile>
 # this will add the debug symbol file called "InputDebugFile"
 # to the binary program called "BinaryFile"

we can simply strip debug symbols from a binary by doing:

 strip --strip-debug <BinaryName> 
 # this will delete debug symbols from <BinaryName>

Anyway, remember that also after doing this removal operation there will still be additional informations that can be used by reverse engineers.

We can delete everything which is unnecessary by doing:

 strip --strip-debug --strip-unneeded <ProgramName>
 #this will delete all the debug symbols, we won't see even the function names

so in order to not let other view my code and make the life of reverse engineers harder we can use the second strip command, this will also make the binary smaller.

So summarizing with debugging symbols we can:

  • list 1, list source code
  • info sources, list information on the source file, such as name, and possibly other informations
  • info functions, list functions
  • info variables, list flobal variables
  • info scope <FunctionName>, list local variables in the specified function
  • info files, lists all the sections and their addresses, like ".text", ".bss", ".data", etc...

Loading a symbol file in GDB

In order to load a symbol file in GDB we do:

 symbol-file fileName 
 # this command inside gdb will load the symbol file called "fileName"

Inspecting Symbols with "nm"

The program "nm" will list symbols contained in an object file, so we can inspect symbols related to a file by doing:

 nm ./programName 
 # this will list all the symbols of the program "programName"

By default the list will be composed by 3 rows where:

  1. the first, represents the virtual address;
  2. the second, denotes the symbol type;
  3. the third, denotes the symbol name.

Symbol Types

For symbol types we have:

Symbol Table Meaning
A absolute symbol
B in the uninitialized data section (BSS)
D in the initialized data section
N debugging symbol
T in the text section
U symbol undefined right now

We moreover can encounter both "uppercase" or "lowercase" symbols:

  • lowercase symbol is a "local" symbol
  • uppercase symbol is an "external" symbol

for a complete list of symbols we do man nm.

Other nm examples

 nm -a | grep functionName

-- this can be useful if we want to find a specific function to which executable is owned

-- this can be useful even by specifying a specific symbol type instead of function name

 nm -n #display all the symbols in sorted order
 nm -g #displays all the external symbols
 nm -S #displays the size of the corresponding object for each 


The "strace" tool will help us understand how our program interacts with the OS, this tool traces all system calls made by the program, it even tells us about arguments passed and has great filtering capabilities. Let's see some examples:

 strace ./programName 20 30
 strace -o report.txt ./programName 
 # in this case with the option "-o" we store the output to another file
 strace -t ./programName 
 # this will save the time at which each system call is called
 strace -r ./programName 
 # this will save the relative time taken by each system call,
 # this can be helpful even to understand which system call takes 
 # more time and which takes less time
 strace -r -e write ./programName 
 # this will filter the output by putting only the system call "write"
 strace -e connect nc 80 
 # this will filter the output by putting only the system call "connect"
 strace -e send,recv nc 80
 # this will filter the output by putting only the system calls
 # "send" and "recv"

We can even attach "strace" to a running process:

 strace -p processID
 # in this case we attach strace to a running process, we have to specify
 # the process ID we want to attach to

we can get even list and statistics of system calls used, in this case we do:

 strace -c ./programName
 # this allows to print statistics on system calls and let us understand
 # which system call a program is using, for example if we see 
 # "send", "connect", etc... we understand that this is a program 
 # which communicates over the network

all of this is important because when we are in GDB we can set "breakpoints" on one of these system calls.

Breakpoints, Registers and Memory

A breakpoint is a technique used to "pause" the program during execution based on certain criteria, these criteria can be for example "before to execute a specific instruction" (which we want to examine).


There are different ways to set a breakpoint:

  • breakpoints on functions
    • break functionName : will set a breakpoint on the function
  • breakpoints on instruction addresses
    • break *0x080484cd : will set a breakpoint on an instruction address, for example as shown by "disassemble main", we need the asterisk before the address
  • breakpoint on line number
    • break 54 : will set a breakpoint on line number 54

once a breakpoint is set, we can run the program with:

 run param1 
 # this will run the program, using as parameter "param1"

once the program is frozen we can inspect various informations, for example using:

 info registers

or with:

 info all-registers 
 # this will dump all registers to screen

we can see the list of active breakpoints with:

 info breakpoints
 # this will list breakpoints

we can enable/disable breakpoints once we have seen the id number by doing:

 disable 1 
 # this will disable the breakpoint with id number equal to 1
 enable 1
 # this will enable breakpoint 1
 delete 1
 # this will delete breakpoint 1

we can continue the execution after a breakpoint with the instructions:

 # continues until the end or until the next breakpoint (if there are any)
 # will execute and point to the next line of C code, we can pass an argument
 # "n" to specify the number of code lines to step
 # steps one assembly instruction exactly, we can pass an argument "n" to
 # specify the number of code lines to step
 # run until the end of the current function
 advance <location> 
 # in this case we advance to a specific location, which can be "somefunction"
 # or "5" (a line number) or "hello.c:23" a line number in a specific file

Conditional Breakpoints

Sometimes we want to use breakpoints only if certain conditions are met, these conditional breakpoints could be very handy for example in case of loops. Let's see some example, let's say we put a breakpoint on line "10" of our code for example with:

 break 10
 # set a breakpoint at line 10

we can now view its id number with:

 info breakpoints

now let's say our breakpoint has as id number "1" we can do:

 condition 1 counter == 5 
 # in this case we are telling GDB to 
 # breakpoint (at line 10) only when the variable counter is equal 
 # to 5

let's see another example:

 break *0x08048478 
 condition 1 $eax != 0
 # this will stop the program only when $eax is different from zero at the 
 # instruction specified at the address mentioned in the break instruction

Watch Breakpoints

We can even set breakpoints when certain events happen, for example when a variable is written/read or written or read from it, let's see some example:

 watch variable1 
 # in this case we break when a variable is written to
 rwatch variable1
 # in this case we break when a variable is read from
 awatch variable1
 # in this case we break when a variable is written to or read from
 info watch
 # is the same thing as info break

Examine Memory

In order to examine memory we use the commands:

  • x: to examine memory
  • print: which is useful to print variables
  • display: it is useful to look at the evolution of a certain variable

the "x" command has a very specific format which has to follow, the general format is:

 # where instead of "number" we specify the numerical quantity of data, 
 # and with "suffix" we specify actually the suffix

Let's make some example:

 x/s argv[1]
 # this will print the string argv[1]
 x/i $eip 
 # this will show which instruction is the register eip pointing to
 x/10i $eip 
 # this will show which instruction is the register eip pointing to 
 # and additional following 9 instructions (in total 10 instructions)
 x/10xw $esp 
 # this will show 10 words (32bit) in hexadecimal format starting from
 # the esp register
 x/10xg $rsp 
 # this will show 10 giants (64bit) in hexadecimal format starting 
 # from the rsp register
 x/5i $pc
 # shows the next 5 assembly instructions, this is useful to avoid doing 
 # everytime "disassemble main" in order to inspect the code, 
 # another common instruction is "layout asm"
 print argv[0]
 # this will print the argv[0] variable

Notice that "print" is equivalent to "x/s".

Let's see an application of "display" and "undisplay":

 display variable1
 # in this case at every step we print out the value of the variable "variable1"
 disp/i $pc 
 # this will show the next instruction at each step, useful if combined 
 # with stepi

we can look at the current displays at:

 info display

and we can undisplay with:

 undisplay 1
 # where "1" in this case is the id number of the interested display

Modify Memory

Let's take an example, in which we take start a program with gdb and want to modify some content of the memory. We would do:

 gdb ./programName AAAA 10 20 
 # in this case our program let's say for the sake of the example 
 # that takes 3 arguments as inputs
 break main
 # set the breakpoint to main

now we can for example look at one of the passed arguments with:

 x/s argv[1]

or view it character by character with:

 x/5c argv[5] 

the above instructions will show us the starting memory address of the argument, we can change it by doing:

 set {char} 0xbffff7e6 = 'B'
 # in this example we have put the starting memory address of argv[0] 
 # and put it in a char (1Byte) the character "B" we will see a number 
 # the next time in memory at that address, that number is the ascii code 
 # of 'B', notice that we can view the ascii table by doing "man ascii"

alternatively we can achieve the same thing by inserting directly the ascii code of 'B', for example:

 set {char} 0xbffff7e6 = 66

we can even set more bytes at a time, for example:

 set {int} 0xbffff7e6 = 12
 # in this example we will have the first char as 12, but the following 
 # set at zero, since the int takes more bytes

now if we want to write at consecutive memory addresses (e.g., we want to put all B's in the same memory address and following 3 bytes) we do:

 set {char} 0xbffff7e6 = 'B'
 set {char} (0xbffff7e6 + 1) = 'B'
 set {char} (0xbffff7e6 + 2) = 'B'
 set {char} (0xbffff7e6 + 3) = 'B'

we can even change the value of other variables, for example let's suppose there is a variable called "sum" and we want to change its value, in this case we would do:

 set sum = 2000 
 # this will set the value of the variable called "sum" to 2000

we can even change the value of registers:

 set $eax = 10 
 # this will set the value of the register eax to 10
 set $eip = 0x80484c4 
 # this will set the instruction pointer to the address mentioned, 
 # we took this address by making "print functionName" in this way we know at 
 # which address the function is, it's very probable that this will make a 
 # "segmentation fault" since when the function will terminate, 
 # it will return to the address specified at the top of the stack, so it's very
 # probable that at the stack there is garbage, since we forced 
 # the loading of an arbitrary function so when the function will 
 # terminate we will have a segmentation fault, there is an 
 # exception to this, in case the function calls the "exit()" system call

Modify and Patch Binary

We can rewrite a binary file in multiple ways, for example by launching gdb with the option "--write" or by executing specific commands inside gdb, let's see both examples:

 gdb --write -q ./a.out 
 # in this case we run the binary a.out with write permissions, 
 # the flag "-q" it's used to suppress introductory messages and copyright 
 # notice, so it's a "quiet mode"

or if we launch gdb without the option "--write" we can execute:

 set write on 
 # in this case we set the binary in write mode, so if we rewrite instructions
 # the binary will be modified, it is always a good idea to make a copy 
 # of our binary before doing this
 set write off 
 # in this case we disable the write mode, so the binary becomes again read-only
 show write 
 # displays whether executable files and core files are opened 
 # for writing as well as reading

once in write mode we can put:

 set {unsigned char}0x00000000004004b9 = 22
 # modifying part of the binary

Convenience Variables and Routines

We can create variables in GDB to hold data, these variables are called "convenience variables", and can be set through the "set" command, let's see some example:

 set $i = 10
 set $dyn = (char *)malloc(10)

-- we can do this only after the program is running, and we could inspect this for example by doing "x/10xb $dyn" that will show us the first ten bytes starting from $dyn, so the content of "dyn"

 set $demo = "joe"
 set argv[1] = $demo

we can even call C routines for example:

 call strcpy($dyn, argv[1])
 # in this case we are copying the content of argv[1] into $dyn,
 # we can inspect $dyn by doing "x/10xb $dyn" or "x/10c $dyn"

we can even call local functions listed with "info functions", for example we can do something like:

 call AddNumbers(10,20)
 # this will print on the screen the result given by the function
 call AddNumbers($i, $j)
 # this will print on the screen the result given by the mentrioned function,
 # notice that this time we passed as arguments two convenience variables

Notice that when we start a program and want to check different functions what we do is usually setting a breakpoint at "main" and then use the "call" instruction.

Window Commands

We can run gdb in a windowed TUI mode with:

 gdb ./programName -tui

from here we can list windows and do other operations:

 info win
 # we list windows
 focus winname 
 # set focus to a particular window by name or position "next" or "prev",
 # we can even use "fs" as alias for "focus"
 layout type
 # where the layout type can be "asm", "src", "split" or "reg"
 layout asm 
 # very useful for navigating assembly source code
 tui reg typ
 # set the register window layout "general", "float", "system" or "next"
 winheight val
 # set the window height to the chosen value, an alias is "wh"

Practical Scenarios

Practical Scenario: Cracking a Simple Binary with Debug


We have a program that wants us to insert the secret password as parameter, in a poorly written code what we could simply do is:

 strings programName 
 # the "strings" program will show the strings contained in the binary

this can show us sometimes interesting strings about the program in our case for example there were interesting strings and we tried one of those to crack the program. Poorly coded programs may reveal private/secret informations. Secrets can be easily hidden by encryption/encoding.

We do some inspection generally with:

 info functions
 info variables
 info scope interestingFunction
 break main 
 # this is followed by some "call interestingFunction()"
 print interestingVariableName

Practical Scenario: Disassembling and Cracking a Simple


Here we deal with assembly, now there are two main syntaxes:

  • AT&T
  • Intel

GDB as the GNU as assembly uses by default the AT&T syntax. We can change the assembly syntax by doing:

 set disassembly-flavor intel 
 # here we cahnge the syntax to intel, but we can check the 
 alternatives by just pressing "tab-tab" after "disassembly-flavor"

In this case what we do is:

 disassemble main 
 # here we will see the assembly instructions of our program

we always have to remember that the assembly code we see is dependant on the architecture for which the program was written, for example in a qemu virtual machine with debian armel application we would see arm assembly code, while on an x86_64 architecture we see an x86_64 assembly code.

Practical Scenario 2

 layout asm
 disp/i $pc

Assembly Tips

 printf '#include <stdio.h>\nint main(void) { printf("Hello, world!\\n");
 return 0; }\n' | gcc -x c -S - -o - -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables


  • -x c selects C as it cannot be determined otherwise when getting source code from standard input
  • -S tells the compiler to stop compilation after generating the assembly, but before assembling it
  • - means standard input
  • -o means write to standard output
  • -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables disables special exception suggest that generates lots of noise like .cfi_offset

If you do this, then you get a minimal hello world program in assembly, which uses the standard library You can write your own ".s" file and assemble it. Use -m32 if you're on a 64-bit machine and want to try 32-bit assembly.


Some notes on how to use gdb to do some binary analysis and debugging








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