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Web application for digit recognition: the hello world of Deep Learning

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JSON in/out RESTful API for digit recognition.

The solution consists in wrapping a neural network model found on Kaggle in an API. It has been developed in the scope of an interview tech test during 3 days.


  • Python 2.7

Install dependencies with:

  • pip install -r

Local usage

  • Start server with python
  • Send a request, for instance curl -XPOST -F "image=@/Users/skynet/800.png" -vv http://localhost:5000/recognize.json


  • pip install -r
  • pip install -r
  • python tests/


  • Standard Heroku deployment git push heroku master


This is a problem of image recognition. Deep learning has been popularized by increasing significantly the results in this field. So we are going to make use of it.

  • pyData ecosystem is a famous ecosystem for solving machine learning problems in python. Specifically for deep learning, python also has some famous libraries (tensorflow, pyTorch for instance). So I will develop the solution in python. Please note that python is NOT the language I am most comfortable with: I feel way more comfortable in ruby. Python is the best compromise I could do between architecture choices and comfort.
  • I decide to use keras on top of tensorflow, because I've heard during the first interview that it's what the company is using.
  • I decide to use Flask because it's a very lightweight Framework for python.
  • Deploy to Heroku: because they have a free offer. Because of the limited resources of the free offer, it will have some negative implications. They are described in the following paragraph trade-offs.


  • Model architecture - I used a model that I found on Kaggle. This model does not contain a lot of layers and does not provide good results. A good model was not the main scope of this tech test, though.
  • Training set - Training the model is long and this can obviously not be done during the request: it need to be preprocessed. At the end the model is trained when the web-server is starting on Heroku. Because of the server resources (Memory, and deployment timeout), I could not use more than 5% of the MNIST dataset. My original idea was:
    1. train the model locally ;
    2. serialize the model object to a file (locally)
    3. and upload the file to the server during the deployment.

      It hasn't worked because:
    4. cPickle raises an exception (and it is not recommended anyway);
    5. dill also raises exception;
    6. keras method for model serialization has an open bug with this model.
  • Scalability - The response time on a free Heroku solution is correct (0.1s). To scale we could increase the numbers of Heroku workers ; for other hosting solutions, we should add an application server and optimize it, etc. It has not been done because I don't have a context for it. And as the UNIX philosophy resumes it "Premature optimization is the root of all evil" [Donald_Knuth, Professor Emeritus at Stanford University, winner of the 1974 Turing Award].
  • Production-readiness - I added an exception logging to SEntry. From experience, it makes debugging great and fast. Heroku already provides some basic logging (heroku logs) and monitor tool. More advanced services can be installed with add-ons like papertrail (for logging) or new relic (for monitoring).


Web application for digit recognition: the hello world of Deep Learning







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