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338 lines (206 loc) · 6.21 KB

Fun with Strings API

The Fun with Strings API provides a RESTful API to play with English words. The service allows to have the following operations on strings:

  • get a random word
  • return content of Wikipedia article about given word
  • collect statistic for most popular words submitted to previous operation and return top N, where N is provided by user
  • given a first and/or a last name as parameter, return a random joke (if no name is provided, a Chuck Norris joke is returned)

For the random word service there is the alternate source in case when the main is unavailable (in that case data is pre-stored on application layer). API service is stateful, which means data will be stored (dumped/loaded to/from files) between start/stop of application.

Only authorized users will be able to access the service.

All APIs return the 20x HTTP response on success and 4xx/5xx on errors. Responses are represented in JSON format.

E.g., an error is returned as the following JSON object in the response body:


  • error: a string, description of the error.


POST /api/signup

400 Bad Request

    "error": "400 Bad Request: Please provide username/password. They both are required for signup"

A success response is returned as JSON object:


  • message(or specific item): a string, or any other object as specified by the endpoint.


GET /api/randomword

200 OK

    "word": "apple"

Generic Errors

Application Error

500 Internal Server Error

    "error": "Application error. Please contact support"

Http error

500 Internal Server Error

    "error": "500 Internal Server Error: Http error: details"

Timeout error

500 Internal Server Error

    "error": "500 Internal Server Error: Timeout error: details"

Connection error

500 Internal Server Error

    "error": "500 Internal Server Error: Connection error: details"

Request error

500 Internal Server Error

    "error": "500 Internal Server Error: Request error: details"

End Points

POST /api/signup

Returns message about success or an error.


POST /api/signup

    "username" : "test",
    "password" : "test"


    "message": "User test successfully signed up!"

Errors (example):

400 Bad Request

    "error": "400 Bad Request: Please provide username/password. They both are required for signup"

400 Bad Request

    "error": "400 Bad Request: User test already exists. Please try another one"

GET /api/login

Returns a token for given user to use for the following authentication. It requires Authorization header (Basic Auth) with username/password from signup endpoint.


GET /api/login

200 OK

    "token": "bbf63638-9768-42de-8fda-00ebf58e1e07"

Errors (example):

401 Unauthorized

    "error": "401 Unauthorized: Authorization failed. Login/password required"

401 Unauthorized

    "error": "401 Unauthorized: Authorization failed. Wrong password"

401 Unauthorized

    "error": "401 Unauthorized: Authorization failed. User test does not exist. Please signup by link /api/signup"

GET /api/randomword

Returns a random word. Authentication is required (headers: x-access-user, x-access-token), where x-access-user is username used for login, and x-access-token - token which is returned from login endpoint


GET /api/randomword

200 OK

    "word": "study"

GET /api/wiki/<word>

Given the word, returns a content of the English Wikipedia article (JSON format). Authentication is required


GET /api/wiki/python

200 OK

    "content": {...}

Errors (example):

GET /api/wiki/qqqq

404 Not Found

    "error": "404 Not Found: There is no article for word: qqqq. Please check spelling"

GET /api/wiki

GET /api/wiki?top=<int:N>

Returns the top N words submitted to the /api/wiki/<word> endpoint as an array of strings. If top parameter is not provided (or provided without value) it returns top 1 word. Authentication is required.


GET /api/wiki

200 OK

    "top": [

GET /api/wiki?top

200 OK

    "top": [

GET /api/wiki?top=2

200 OK

    "top": [

Errors (example):

GET /api/wiki?top=t

400 Bad Request

    "error": "400 Bad Request: Invalid type for 'top' parameter. Expected type: int"

GET /api/joke

GET /api/joke?firstName=<firstName>

GET /api/joke?lastName=<lastName>

GET /api/joke?firstName=<firstName>&lastName=<lastName>

Returns a joke for the given a first and/or a last name. If either the firstName or lastName or both names are missing, they are replaced with the Norris and Chuck respectively.


GET /api/joke

200 OK

    "joke": "Bill Gates thinks he's Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris actually laughed. Once."

GET /api/joke?firstName=Steve

200 OK

    "joke": "No one has ever spoken during review of Steve Norris' code and lived to tell about it."

GET /api/joke?lastName=Ellison

200 OK

    "joke": "Everything King Midas touches turnes to gold. Everything Chuck Ellison touches turns up dead."

GET /api/joke?firstName=Steve&lastName=Bale

200 OK

    "joke": "Steve Bale can make onions cry."

Errors (example):

GET /api/joke

400 Bad Request

    "error": "400 Bad Request: Error happened when trying to get joke (:"

Environment And Dependencies

In order to install the extra dependencies run:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


In order to install testing dependencies run:

$ pip install -r test-requirements.txt

Then run:

$ python -m unittest


To run the application (Debug mode: on, by default):

$ python