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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 14, 2022. It is now read-only.


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@github-actions github-actions released this 05 Oct 18:01
· 17 commits to master since this release


eb4200b Add -x option to all shell scripts, which enables set -x
e64d037 Add --no-same-owner to prevent issues (#136)
bb9b313 Add akupila/gitprompt
1ea719e Add (#106)
92c5747 Add
706ab2b Add reviewdog (#107)
ed25f85 Bump Issue #8
2fbb1f7 CLose #4 format overrides
4052d62 Check directry exisistence to avoid unnecessary install -d
b515fe1 Clean up tmpdir post-installation
1e1684c Close #13 - change default TMPDIR behavior
a59951a Close #14 remove yaml dependency
5b2c44c Close #15 - fix curl issues
0a9e8ec Close #18 - ignore vendor
4ee7298 Close #2 - add help, generated by tags, etc
7bcf2cc Close #20 ARM support and warning message if not supported
78bf528 Close #22 - self-check to detect bad os/arch to golang values
4d1cf40 Close #23, Close #21 better logs and inputs
d2170ca Close #24 and simplify shell
4fb99d5 Close #25 support for naked releases and other cleanups
f6d146f Close #27 - in most cases ok, but for some goreleaser.yml files, two template errors triggered a bug
1a44e8e Close #3 zip file support
74111bb Close #6 curl/wget abstraction, part of #7
d53d5e3 Close #61 - travis fails
9fab27e Close #7 - Use Github auth token if available
0ba0841 Close #9 - add LICENSE
cda6d68 Close #9 - add LICENSE
57452bc Copy the excellent Makefile from goreleaser
fdf1636 Create gotime.yaml
17791b9 Create lk2.yaml
48b3216 Create node-prune.yaml
1dd6b08 Create node-prune.yaml
b46d82e Creating a goreleaser.yml
7797193 Disable buffering of the output stream
66279a7 Fix issues with multiple builds (#114)
e401dd8 Fix quote
b6de076 Fix spelling
8c0915e Initial commit
1044491 Issue #11 - sync goreleaser.yaml file
b6e5157 Issue #11 -- use self to download goreleaser, etc
4bb8a2b Issue #15 fail if not 200
da1210c Issue #20 - warn if goos/goarch combo is not support - WIP
de471a9 Issue #20 - warn if platform is not supported
c2935f7 Issue #5 check for gsha256sum
8ed8d27 Issue #5 check the checksums
314c703 Issue #5 checksums - test for gsha256sum
84f2b75 Issue #52 delete src directory before untarring to prevent masking errors
29260a5 Issue #56 use apex/log like goreleaser does
740b057 Issue #8 / vendor
4a56f8d Merge branch 'master' into fix-custom-location
b643867 Merge pull request #1 from fundor333/patch-1
41b1ce2 Merge pull request #100 from ianwalter/master
8c971a8 Merge pull request #101 from haya14busa/patch1
e7a89b2 Merge pull request #102 from haya14busa/patch2
098c832 Merge pull request #103 from haya14busa/add-xtag
48bc297 Merge pull request #17 from goreleaser/whichtype
83fb9c4 Merge pull request #30 from goreleaser/29
11e914c Merge pull request #33 from goreleaser/fix-version
d949af3 Merge pull request #37 from goreleaser/bump
c8c6654 Merge pull request #38 from santacruz123/master
b5a249b Merge pull request #40 from flyinprogrammer/feature/tagtoversion
eadbdd4 Merge pull request #63 from goreleaser/lints
ce436e3 Merge pull request #65 from goreleaser/site
4b58c20 Merge pull request #66 from philippgille/patch-1
227d202 Merge pull request #67 from client9/master
47c3ee8 Merge pull request #72 from akupila/patch-1
78d6396 Merge pull request #73 from goreleaser/fix-custom-location
54bcf87 Merge pull request #74 from golangci/master
835cb87 Merge pull request #76 from goreleaser/golangci
0b41696 Merge pull request #77 from kaihendry/patch-1
8956a01 Merge pull request #84 from docwhat/patch-1
351bbf3 Merge pull request #85 from shulima/master
08d3797 Merge pull request #87 from mverteuil/patch-1
3b90d24 Merge pull request #88 from goreleaser/fix
9286de5 Merge pull request #89 from eklitzke/trace
c73970d Merge pull request #91 from goreleaser/mod
d713bb8 Merge pull request #93 from ryanking/patch-1
ebca9c9 Merge pull request #94 from mschneider82/master
37bdd01 Merge pull request #97 from syntaqx/master
de35133 Merge pull request #99 from syntaqx/markbates/refresh
ec9476c README
535eab4 README edits
8184f51 References to other installers
19995e4 Replace which with type. Fixes #16.
30f0d76 Revert "fix: ignore twpayne/chezmoi for now" (#113)
de3d5ab Revert "fix: pass, build"
28788d6 Setting GOPROXY to to fix build issue. GoCenter continues to serve module versions and honor immutability and availablility requirement of a central repo (#130)
99b395c Update
a5d39b0 Update gotop.yaml
2997704 actually read the yaml file
ab95a61 add a new sample
9a60512 add client9/csstool
6ba8902 add (#115)
0e1775a add go-importd
8788aab add golangci-lint
78afa98 add install target
f9d722b add k8spin cli (#122)
d8430c5 add markbates/refresh
39d9158 add minimal support for
2030e26 add syntaqx/serve
40d2946 add syntaqx/swarm-api (#116)
3150021 add yaml tag
9855296 add: caarlos0/some projects
21f9a0d added gotop
9988e1a added logo to the site
f5ef548 added sharecmd to tree
f6550d6 added valelint
f0db182 big cleanup
222bb80 big update
35175af bump: deps
3ce8d45 bump: go from 1.11 to 1.12
a1e4131 bump: goreleaser
f9a1d47 bump: goreleaser
368dc8c bump: goreleaser
73a5763 bump: goreleaser (#109)
9a92881 chmod a+x samples
6f8823c chore(deps): add renovate.json (#137)
d36f80b chore(deps): update module goreleaser/goreleaser to v0.118.2 (#139)
63d561c chore(deps): update module yaml to v2.2.4 (#140)
c53f03c chore: fix install cmds
59256dd chore: update hugo theme
08d3ba1 chore: using golangci-lint as linter
77f812a ci: actions (#142)
2082868 ci: labeler
7c3b514 ci: release godownloader (#144)
9ea6f46 ci: remove label workflow (#145)
2383834 ci: stale
f016947 clean: remove old samples
47e6dec cleanup api
fed36b1 cleanup todo
b2bf77c cleanups
77d4ffa cleanups, lints
0685c70 close #10 - allow flag to set installation directory
32e6bb0 close #3 support zip
f750796 close #42 add do not edit marker
8a05b84 close #43 close #44 close #45 close #48
4e4bfc5 close #46 remove FPM from travis
1d8a0ba close #49 - update minify to use github releases
632f2f9 close #50 -- make pretty
4a3458d close #52 close #28 sync with multi-builds and wrap_in_directory
d724148 close #55 - be more robust in handling repo input
9c6e7a9 comments
a1fd9ed debug travis
c71adb4 docs
aa846d4 edit
092500a edit punch-list
bf17a75 feat: add (#111)
8583b68 feat: added antibody
f2a7aed feat: added website
62b8539 feat: allow to ignore a repo
c266085 feat: highlight projects and copy btn
7ef626c feat: improve Windows OS detection (#127)
e773d04 feat: nfpm
5be76f3 feat: using go mod
f451dc9 feature: support goreleaser tag -> version standards
4f01ab7 fix
3325af9 fix English in log message, remove timestamp from output
cd602ee fix README example
36ebe14 fix adjust_format shell function by checking with correct variable (#110)
eb35471 fix case where binary is not same as repo
60c15ee fix dep x2
e3c9786 fix equinoxio.go issue #49
63e7d66 fix false positve with shellcheck
b380ca7 fix getops, help, clean ups
e72302b fix lint
c42f45b fix lint
339e4dc fix location of godownloader
c2ac5b3 fix make help
83f4fc2 fix samples
8d7676d fix shellcheck lints
40df349 fix travis target
ff41b00 fix unused VERSION
97fc446 fix: Ditch mktmpdir for mktemp -d (#105)
39b7a38 fix: GOPROXY and dependency issues (#135)
39bc4e8 fix: added fqdn
58698a3 fix: assets
e812d7c fix: build (#143)
0be7754 fix: build and indent
3b80dd9 fix: bump deps
3a6f4db fix: cleanup
148af4e fix: cleanup site
9309cfe fix: colored output on travis
b186714 fix: custom goreleaser.yml file
df84f0a fix: format overrides and multiple archives
7f27436 fix: gitignore
22598d0 fix: gitignore treeout
db2e2f2 fix: goimports
a633cbf fix: goreleaser config
94bfb53 fix: https
52e4ac1 fix: ignore coverage.txt
66be4ed fix: ignore darwin/386
65ef6f9 fix: ignore golanci lint for now
c5edc58 fix: ignore twpayne/chezmoi for now
521af45 fix: improved gitignore
93b2b79 fix: invalid pseudo version. (#132)
07f3951 fix: lint
ee0454d fix: lint
10677ba fix: lint issues
f780490 fix: linter
6901735 fix: loadURL should only try and load if we receive a 200
d6e652f fix: loadURL should return happy at the first project it finds
099df65 fix: makefile
ed705c7 fix: menu js error
dc6c972 fix: pass, build
b789d45 fix: re-enable golangci-lint
f71493e fix: removed gotop
03ac45b fix: restore BINARY variable (#119)
05b22e5 fix: setup
a3172c0 fix: shellcheck
73e6139 fix: site, theme, editorconfig
e515f41 fix: some linter issues
7481fda fix: theme from another repo
b768ea6 fix: theme name
96e3b3d fix: tidy go.mod deps. (#134)
e652991 fix: travis.yml
d2f2852 fix: update stale config
77f8204 fix: update to goreleaser 0.53.0
a36943e fix: updated deps
89e1f1d fix: use https
0b64543 fix: use sh instead of bash
3aa1872 fix: wrong files
c8c9050 fixed .goreleaser.yml
53dfd27 fixed equinox
0802eb6 fixed for goreleaser projects
ab24454 fixed goreleaser.yml
977fd67 fixed old single build format
ff9ceeb fixed raw
e431f7d fixed version
5d7ab0a fixes
f32bbfc fixups #50
03ec9a5 formatting
33bf0c1 formatting
51f0dac gofmt
3e7d094 ignore some generated files, and clean them up
cb7cdb2 improved formatting
e2bee07 initial broken release
d6679fa issue #11 - ignore generated files, setup fpm
7d30e44 issue #129: replace by its github (#131)
bc3358a issue #39 - add all samples to tree
d90df70 issue #39 -- lets see what happens attempted to deploy to goinstall
5e35931 issue #39 use tree instead of hacky script
399c451 issue #43 issue #45 log functions, and prep for API-free github release info
33eb6da issue #48 - add timestamps to generated files. Safe now that #57 works
c335223 issue #49 fix documentation
7a51bfb issue #52 fix directory wrapping one more time
c3fe34a issue #55 standarize some logging, add a few more debug statements
0d59ba7 issue #56 show version info like goreleaser
33385e0 issue #56 switch to kingpin for flag processing
22a858d issue #57 - force write of output file
7279265 issue #57 start of write to file
23b500a issue #60 dep problems'
7fb6f9b minor edits
89a544d minor edits
ef5b5ef minor go style issues
27efea8 minor readme edits
597ba74 more cleanup
8b5116c more readme updates
561fd52 more todos!
38a454d move scripts out of makefile to own location
5efbe39 new file
a97cc34 part of issue #46 sync .travis.yml with goreleaser
9baab9e partial for #26
0c87c49 possible fix for issue #59 goarch ARM issues
edbd3fa readme improvements
bb181bb readme improvements
58cc010 cleanups
98d7130 reduce casting from []byte/string
f58af5b refresh sh functions
80fdc63 regenerate
60007c1 regenerate gorelease godownloader
ca77486 regenerate samples based on upstream changes, formatting
b49798f regenerate samples, get latest shell functions
09d06ad remove any existing tarball before downloading
e3662cc remove bogus sample
f3d6079 remove deprecated file
41edfdf remove rate limiting from doc
cb9608a remove timestamp output
1a5b259 removed uneeded code
96d9438 resync shell, add shellcheck
55cad75 shfmt fixes
e43c0c6 simplify travis setup
aa4338f spelling
13c8beb start of adding shellcheck to travis
27fb2fe start of issue #39 godownloader service/hosting
e1539ed stop constantly installing git precommit hooks
f9daf0b stop emailing me
615b404 style and documentation improvements
b6f54ec style: using gometalinter.v2 and enabled all linters
76fa22d sync sample
30722be sync shell for arm support
153bb13 sync upstream
a4836db sync with goreleaser tag
2081a67 sync with upstream
8480dd3 take 1 on Issue #8 -- travis
b259881 temp fix for issue #70
8e6840d test of precommit hook
7e2a00b test precommit hook
6cedf06 try to get everything into a function
062a1ad update
55f86b7 update dep
e8514fd update dep dependencies
88ae400 update lock file to latest "dep" output
1f7ae21 update punch list
4384e71 update punch list
26dab58 update readme
b158099 update readme
98643e7 update samples for issue #59
38a43f1 update shell functions, wrap destructive operations in function to prevent curl,bash failures
a4593db update to use new shell functions
70b8eaa updated dep format
99bdcce upgrade to match latest goreleaser versions
10a008b upgrade to match latest goreleaser versions
344dab6 use new codegen/shell functions to conditionally write output
427d06a why not add goreleaser