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Run automated checks on repositories to improve code quality.

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Build Errors

Run automated checks on repositories to improve code quality.

Sample output

Gitlab CI usage

Add this on top of your .gitlab-ci.yml file:

  image: gramener/builderrors
  script: builderrors

If you used gramex init from gramex before version 1.84, change the following:

Github Actions usage

Create a .github/workflows/validate.yml:

name: Run build errors
on: [push, pull_request]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: docker://gramener/builderrors

Docker usage

From the folder you want check, run this command on Linux:

docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/src gramener/builderrors

On Windows Command Prompt:

docker run --rm -it -v %cd%:/src gramener/builderrors

On Windows PowerShell:

docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/src gramener/builderrors

To log into the container and run commands, use:

docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/src gramener/builderrors /bin/sh -l
# Now run `builderrors` or any other command

BitBucket Pipelines usage

To run checks on every push with BitBucket, add this on top of your bitbucket-pipelines.yml:

  lfs: true

    - step:
        name: validate
        image: gramener/builderrors
          - builderrors

Jenkins usage

To run checks on every push with Jenkins pipelines, add this to your Jenkinsfile file:

pipeline {
    stages {
        stage('Build errors') {
            agent {
                docker { image 'gramener/builderrors' }
            steps {
                sh 'builderrors'

Local usage

In bash or Git Bash, from any folder (e.g. C:/projects/) run this:

git clone
cd builderrors

From the folder you want to test, run this in bash or Git Bash:

bash /wherever-you-installed/builderrors

How to fix install errors:

  • Cannot uninstall 'PyYAML'. It is a distutils installed project ...: Run pip install --ignore-installed PyYAML first
  • 'bash' is not recognized as an internal or external command: Run in bash or Git bash, not the Command Prompt or PowerShell
  • flake8: No such file or directory or pyminify: command not found: Ensure you can run python, node and git in the same bash shell, and re-install

It checks only committed files

builderrors only runs on a git repository with committed files.

It WON'T check untracked or .gitignored files.


You can pass options as command-line parameters. For example:

# Report errors only if 100+ lines are duplicated or if Python code lines are over 120 chars
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/src gramener/builderrors \
  builderrors --duplicate-lines=100000 --py-line-length=120

# Same check for local usage
bash /path/to/builderrors --duplicate-lines=100000 --py-line-length=120

Skip checks

To skip specific checks, use --skip=. For example, to skip Flake8 and ESLint, use: --skip=flake8 --skip=eslint.

See List of checks for the full list of checks.

You cannot use --only along with --skip.

Run only specific checks

To run only specific checks, use --only=. For example, to only run Flake8 and ESLint, use: --only=flake8 --only=eslint

See List of checks for the full list of checks.

You cannot use --skip along with --only.

Convert to warnings

To run specific checks as a warning (i.e. report it but don't fail the build), use --warning=. For example, to only warn on Flake8 and ESlint, use --warning=flake8 --warning=eslint

See List of checks for the full list of checks and the default error/warning status.

Convert to errors

To run specific checks as errors (i.e. fail the build if the check fails), use --error=. For example, to raise an error on NPM Audit and PyDoc, use --error=npm-audit --error=pydoc

See List of checks for the full list of checks and the default error/warning status.

Environment variable options

You can also pass options as environment variables. (Command line overrides environment variables.) For example:

# Skip flake8. Report errors only if 100+ lines are duplicated
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/src \
  builderrors gramener/builderrors

# Skip Git LFS, eslint and stylelint
SKIP_LFS=1 SKIP_ESLINT=1 SKIP_STYLELINT=1 bash /path/to/builderrors

On Gitlab, set environment variables under Settings > CI / CD > Variables.

List of checks

Here are list of --skip options for checks:

Environment variable Command line Type Meaning
SKIP_LIB=1 --skip=lib ERROR Skip libraries
SKIP_MINIFIED=1 --skip=minified ERROR Skip minified file
SKIP_LFS=1 --skip=lfs ERROR Skip Git LFS
SKIP_PRETTIER=1 --skip=prettier ERROR Skip Prettier
SKIP_USELESS=1 --skip=useless ERROR Skip useless files
SKIP_DUPLICATE_FILES=1 --skip=duplicate-files ERROR Skip duplicate files
SKIP_DUPLICATE_LINES=1 --skip=duplicate-lines ERROR Skip duplicate lines
SKIP_PY_FILENAMES=1 --skip=py-filenames ERROR Skip Python filename
SKIP_BLACK=1 --skip=black ERROR Skip Python Black
SKIP_FLAKE8=1 --skip=flake8 ERROR Skip flake8
SKIP_BANDIT=1 --skip=bandit ERROR Skip bandit
SKIP_ESLINT=1 --skip=eslint ERROR Skip eslint
SKIP_STYLELINT=1 --skip=stylelint ERROR Skip stylelint
SKIP_HTMLHINT=1 --skip=htmlhint ERROR Skip htmlhint
SKIP_NPM_AUDIT=1 --skip=npm-audit WARNING Skip npm audit
SKIP_GITLEAKS=1 --skip=gitleaks WARNING Skip gitleaks
SKIP_FLAKE8_EXTRA=1 --skip=flake8-extra WARNING Skip flake8 extra
SKIP_ESLINT_EXTRA=1 --skip=eslint-extra WARNING Skip eslint extra
SKIP_COMPLEXIY=1 --skip=complexity WARNING Skip complexity
SKIP_DATA_BLOCKS=1 --skip=data-blocks WARNING Skip data-blocks
SKIP_URL_TEMPLATES=1 --skip=url-templates WARNING Skip url-templates
SKIP_PYDOC=1 --skip=pydoc WARNING Skip pydoc
SKIP_ABSOLUTE_URLS=1 --skip=absolute-urls WARNING Skip absolute URLs
SKIP_FOLDERS=1 --skip=folders INFO Skip folders
SKIP_CSS_SIZE=1 --skip=css-size INFO Skip CSS size
SKIP_CODE_SIZE=1 --skip=code-size INFO Skip PY/JS size

Replace --skip= or SKIP_ with:

Other options include:

Environment variable Command line Meaning
SKIP_ESLINT_DEFAULT=1 --skip=eslint-default Don't copy .eslintrc.yml even if .eslintrc.* is missing
SKIP_STYLELINT_DEFAULT=1 --skip=stylelint-default Don't copy .stylelintrc.yml even if .stylelintrc.* is missing
LFS_SIZE=n --lfs-size=n Files over n bytes should use Git LFS (default: 1,000,000)
DUPLICATE_FILESIZE=n --duplicate-filesize=n Files over n bytes should not be duplicated (default: 100)
DUPLICATE_LINES=n --duplicate-lines=n Duplicate code over n lines are not allowed (default: 25)
PY_LINE_LENGTH=n --py-line-length=n Approx line length of Python code used by Black (default: 99)
MAX_JS_COMPLEXITY=n --max-js-complexity=n Report JS functions with >n cyclomatic complexity
MAX_PY_COMPLEXITY=n --max-py-complexity=n Report PY functions with >n cyclomatic complexity

How to fix errors

builderrors reports these errors:


ERROR (lib) don't commit libraries. 15 min

node_modules (or bower_components) should be installed via npm install in each environment

  • Run git rm -rf node_modules/ bower_components/ to remove the libraries
  • Add bower_components/ and node_modules/ to your .gitignore
  • To skip this check, use builderrors --skip=libraries (e.g. to share a git repo for offline installation)


ERROR (minified) don't commit minified files. 15 min

Minified files are not source code and shouldn't be version-controlled. They're generated

  • Run git rm jquery.min.js ...other.min.js to remove the file
  • Run npm install your-package-name to install the package
  • Change URLs to point to the package (e.g. node_modules/<lib>/dist/<lib>.min.js)
  • To skip this check, use builderrors --skip=minified (e.g. if the package is not on npm)


ERROR (lfs) use Git LFS for large files. 15 min

Git stores copies of every version. LFS stores pointers instead

  • Install Git LFS
  • Run git lfs install on your repo
  • For each large file(s), run these commands on bash or Git bash: see help
    git rm your-large-file.ext          # Remove and commit
    git commit -m"Remove your-large-file.txt"
    git lfs track your-large-file.ext   # Use Git LFS for your file(s)
    # Copy your-large-file.ext back
    git add your-large-file.ext         # Add and commit
    git commit -m"Use LFS for your-large-file.txt`
  • To skip this check, use builderrors --skip=lfs (e.g. if you can't use LFS)


ERROR (useless) don't commit useless/generated files. 15 min

Thumbnails (thumbs.db), backups (*~), etc don't need to be committed. Nor logs (*.log)

  • Run git rm <useless.file> to remove it
  • Add <useless.file> to your .gitignore
  • To skip this check, use builderrors --skip=useless (e.g. if you DO need to commit .log files)


ERROR (duplicate-files) delete duplicate files. 10 min/error

You can re-use the same file

  • Run git rm <duplicate.file> to remove it
  • Replace <duplicate.file> with the retained file in your code
  • To allow duplicate files less than 1000 bytes, run builderrors --duplicate-filesize=1000
  • To skip this check, use builderrors --skip=duplicate-files (e.g. if you need duplicate files for test cases)


ERROR (duplicate-lines) reduce duplicate lines. 15 min/error

You can re-use the same code

  • Use loops for code repeated one after another
  • Use functions for code repeated in different places (either in the same file or different files)
  • Use function parameters to handle minor variations in the repetition
  • Use data structures for larger variations. For example, create an array or dictionary that stores all the parameters that vary. Remember: you can use functions as values
  • Use function generators for extreme variations in code. Write a function to create and return a new function depending on your variation
  • Refactor the code and test very carefully. (Unit test cases help here)
  • To ignore duplicates up to 100 lines, run builderrors --duplicate-lines=100
  • To skip this check, use builderrors --skip=duplicate-lines (e.g. if you need duplicate code for test cases)


ERROR (prettier) auto-format JS/CSS with Prettier. 2 min

It's important to have consistent formatting for readability. We use prettier.

Use the VS Code Prettier - Code Formatter plugin to auto-format your code.

Don't format HTML templates like Tornado / Lodash. Prettier does not support templates

  • To auto-fix, run npx prettier@3.2 --write "**/*.{js,mjs,ts,jsx,tsx,vue,css,scss,sass,yml,yaml,md}"
  • To ignore specific files, add a .prettierignore file (e.g. add *.html)
  • To ignore specific rules, add a .prettierrc file
  • To skip this check, use builderrors --skip=prettier (e.g. if you temporarily need the build to pass)


ERROR (black) auto-format Python with Black. 2 min

It's important to have consistent formatting for readability. We use black for Python files.

Use the VS Code Prettier - Black plugin to auto-format your code.

  • To auto-fix, run:
    • pip install black (one-time)
    • black . --skip-string-normalization --line-length=99
  • To ignore specific rules, add a pyproject.toml file
  • To skip this check, use builderrors --skip=black (e.g. if you temporarily need the build to pass)


  • black is not recognized as an internal or external command
    • FIX: pip install black
  • pip install black raises a PermissionError
    • FIX: pip install --user black instead of pip install black


ERROR (py-filenames) use lower_alpha Python paths. 5 min/error

You can't import a Python file unless it has alphanumeric letters. Using lowercase is the convention.

  • Rename the Python files using lower case alphanumerics and underscore (_)
  • To skip this check, use builderrors --skip=py-filenames (e.g. if you won't be importing the module)


ERROR (flake8) fix Python errors. 1 min/error

ruff checks for flake8 errors with these rules:


  • To run locally, use ruff check --select E,W,F,YTT,B,C4,T10,T20,N
  • To auto-fix, run ruff check --select E,W,F,YTT,B,C4,T10,T20,N --fix
  • To ignore a specific line, add # noqa: <error-number> at the end, e.g. print("\n") # noqa: T201
  • To ignore specific rules, add to ruff's pyproject.toml file
  • To skip this check, use builderrors --skip=flake8 (e.g. if you temporarily need the build to pass)


ERROR (bandit) fix Python security errors. 30 min/error

ruff checks for Bandit security errors in Python.

  • Re-write the code based on advice from bandit
  • To ignore a specific line, add a # noqa: <error-number> at the end
    • To retain # nosec for bandit, use # nosec # noqa: <error-number>
  • To skip this check, use builderrors --skip=bandit (e.g. if there are too many false-positives)


ERROR (eslint) fix JavaScript errors. 10 sec/error

ESLint reports JavaScript errors in JS and HTML files -- including HTML templates.

  • To auto-fix, run npx eslint --fix
  • To ignore a specific line, add a // eslint-disable-line at the end
  • To ignore specific rules, add a .eslintrc.yml based on the default
  • To skip this check, use builderrors --skip=eslint (e.g. if you temporarily need the build to pass)

Common errors:


ERROR (data-blocks) move large data to JSON. 5 min/error

Avoid large data blocks in your code. Keep code and data separate.

Move data into JSON files (or CSV or any other data file).

Reference: eslint-plugin-no-data-blocks


ERROR (stylelint) fix CSS errors. 3 min/error

stylelint reports CSS and SASS errors.

  • Re-write the code based on advice from stylelint
  • To ignore a specific line, add a /* stylelint-disable-line */ at the end
  • To ignore specific rules, add a .stylelintrc.yml file based on the default. For example:
    • "selector-no-unknown": null allows styling custom web components
  • To skip this check, use builderrors --skip=stylelint (e.g. if you're using third-party provided CSS)


ERROR (htmlhint) fix HTML errors. 5 min/error

htmlhint checks HTML and reports errors.

  • Re-write the code based on advice from htmlhint
  • To ignore specific rules, add a .htmlhintrc file based on the default
  • To skip this check, use builderrors --skip=htmlhint (e.g. if you're building a Lodash template library)


ERROR (gitleaks) don't commit secrets. 30 min/error

gitleaks detects hardcoded passwords, API keys, and tokens in git repos.

To fix these, change the password, key or token and delete the key.

.gitleaksignore file ignores fragments. Use with care.


WARNING (js-modules) use JavaScript modules. 30 min/error

JavaScript modules are the modern way of including JavaScript.

  • Change <script> to <script type="module">
  • Consider using lebab or ES5 to ES6
  • Test your code!


WARNING (npm-audit) avoid unsafe npm packages. 15 min/error

npm audit checks for JavaScript package vulnerabilities.

  • To auto-fix, run npm audit fix
  • To upgrade all packages to the latest compatible version, run npm upgrade
  • Change package versions manually and retry


WARNING (flake8-extra) improve Python code. 5 min/error

ruff checks for additional flake8 errors. These are OPTIONAL but GOOD to fix.

You can fix these exactly like flake8 errors


WARNING (eslint-extra) improve JavaScript code. 30 sec/error

ESLint reports JavaScript warnings in JS and HTML files. These are OPTIONAL but GOOD to fix.


WARNING (complexity) review complex code. 120 min/error

Break your code into smaller functions. Use clear function names. Re-use as much as possible.


WARNING (url-templates) move large data to JSON. 5 min/error

Construct URL params with URLSearchParams not template literals. Instead of:

const url = `path?city=${city}&time=${now}`;

... use:

const url = `path?` + new URLSearchParams({ city, time: now }).toString();

This offers:

  • Automatic Encoding: Special characters are safely encoded.
  • Readability: The syntax is cleaner and more readable. It abstracts away the manual construction of the query string.
  • Error Reduction: Reduces the chance of errors like missing an & or incorrectly encoding values.

Reference: eslint-plugin-no-url-params-template


WARNING (pydoc) document Python code. 15 min/error

Add a docstring to your public Python functions, classes and methods.

We recommend writing docstrings in Markdown (not ReST) in the Google style guide.


WARNING (absolute-urls) avoid absolute URLs. 10 min/error

Avoid URLs that begin with /, e.g. <a href="/login"> or <img src="/assets/icon.png">. If the application is deployed at a different path (e.g. at instead of, these links will break.

Change URLs to relative paths, e.g. <a href="../login"> or <a href="login"> or <img src="../assets/icon.png">.


INFO (folders): review folder structure and files
  • Commit only necessary files
  • Group files logically into folders


INFO (css-size): review largest CSS code

Shows the number of lines, words and characters in all CSS/SCSS files.

  • Reduce CSS code using libraries
  • To skip this check, use builderrors --skip=css-size


INFO (code-size) review largest PY/JS code.

Shows the number of lines, words and characters in all Python / JavaScript files.

  • Reduce code using configurations, functions, and libraries
  • To skip this check, use builderrors --skip=code-size


Comprehensive open-source multi-linting tools are available at: