All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- 🎉 New components:
🎉 I18N: Added support for internationalization using
to enhance international reach. -
🎉 New components:
- NewProfile: For creating a new user profile.
- Page: General layout component wrapping around the main content.
- Profile: Displaying user profile details.
- SelectLocale: Dropdown component for selecting languages.
- SelectItem: List-based component for selecting individual items.
- SelectProfile: Dropdown for choosing between multiple user profiles.
- SpeedDial: Floating action button for quick access to common actions.
- Unlock: A component for unlocking existing profiles.
- ViewSeed: A component for safely viewing and managing seed phrases.
🎉 New hooks:
- useInverted: Custom hook to autofill semantic ui's inverted flag.
- useVariable: Custom hook for managing state variables.
🎉 New libraries: