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This a a Web-App for recipes and health.

Demos 🖥️

Video 🎥

Deploy 🚀

Requirements ✔️

  • The application is sufficiently distict the other projects
  • The projects isn't a social network
  • The projects isn't a e-commerce
  • The application use Django from back-end
  • The app use javascript from front-end
  • The web app is mobile-responsive
  • Distinctiveness and Complexity
  • How to run the application
  • requirements.txt


all recipes

You can see all the recipes added in the main page.

Recipe Inputs

  • Title
  • Ingredients
  • Description
  • Tags

The author of the recipes can edit the recipe.

The recipes can be filterd by author and tags.

Day Menus

You can create a menu. The menu is composed by three recipes. one from breakfast, another for the meal and another for the dinner. The author of the day-menu can edit that menu.



You can get a random recipe. You can get a random day menu. You can get a random week days.

random day menus

Body Fat Percentage

This page calculate:

  • Body Mass Index
  • Body Fat Percentage


  • Height (cm)
  • Weight (kg)
  • Age (years)
  • Gender

Also the app tell you if your Body Mass Index and Body Fat Percentage is between the healthy parameters.

Shopping List

In this page you can add products on a list. The product can be:

  • deleted
  • edited
  • checked

The list calculates the total price of all articles

shopping list


This part of the app is for create menus with the structure of the zone diet.

Add Product

Add a product with this attributes:

  • name
  • price
  • category (protein, carbs, fat)
  • blocks

Create Menu

Crate a menu with the products of the zone

  • menu name
  • proteins product
  • carbs product
  • fats product

Zone Menus

Show a list of cards when each card is menu. each menu is divided by the three macronutrients. and each macronutrient has his own color.

  • protein (red)
  • carb (green)
  • fat (yellow)

zone menus

Zone Day

This page can create a zone day when each day is composed by five menus:

  • Breakfast
  • Snack I
  • Meal
  • Sanck II
  • Dinner

Show Days

Here you can see all the days created, each day is divided in five menus and each menus has is own color:

  • breakfast ( yellow )
  • snack I ( blue )
  • meal ( green )
  • snack II (blue)
  • dinner ( dark )

Distinctiveness and Complexity

  • This isn't a social network
  • This isn't a e-commerce
  • This isn't the pizza App
  • This platform is designed to help people to eat better
  • This app can save delicious recipes
  • This application use 7 models
  • Some models use ForeignKeys

How to Run Application


cd project

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

python3 runserver
