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This is simple vim plugin, which provide command :Pylint which check for linting issues in python code on current buffer.

Unlike any other available vim-pylint plugins, it doesn't parse output of pylint command line tool, but relies on pylint module, so it make that dependency on this plugin.

This plugin is kind of deprecated, although I used to use it very often. As an alternative you can consider Syntastic.


To use this plugin either +python or +python3 feature compiled in vim is required. To check it, issue :version in vim instance and look for python entries.

To install it, any kind of Vim package manager can be used, like NeoBundle, Pathogen, Vundle or vim-plug.

For manual installation, copy subdirectories from this repository to your ~/.vim directory.

Now you'll have new command :Pylint which in case of any errors or warnings will display quickfix window with appropriate errors.


This work is licensed on 3-clause BSD license. See LICENSE file for details.