A class that allows you to create togglable ragdolls with ease for R6.
This is archived because I don't recommend using this. I'm not particularly confident in the code, and I have learnt a lot since I made this, but I reckon someone could learn something from it which is why it is public.
Clone this repository to your directory of choice, now navigate to the directory using your terminal of choice, and type in "rojo serve". In Roblox Studio now press connect in the rojo plugin (specify port if necessary). You should now see the RagdollClass module in ReplicatedStorage.
I feel like it is important enough to mention: RagdollClass does not handle replication. It has support for replication, however it is up to you how you want to implement it. In the examples folder you can see how you can implement replication so that everyone can see your ragdolls.
This supports both R6 and R15.
The actual ragdoll code itself was made by Quenty. I use an maid class created by Quenty. You can find a link to the original code in the source files.