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Object-Graph-Mapping neo4j framework, fully-typed with TypeScript, for easy and flexible node and relationship operations

npm version npm downloads types includes license MIT


Neogma uses Model definitions to simplify and automate lots of operations. Alternatively, a flexible and fully-fletched query builder and a query runner is also provided for running operations directly with Javascript objects, without a Model definition.

By using Typescript, a user can also benefit from Neogma's type safety in all its parts. The types are built-in and used in neogma's core, so no external typings are needed.


Unit testing

Neogma uses jest for unit testing.

  • To build the tests, run yarn build-tests
  • To run the tests:
    • Configure a .env file with the neo4j connection strings (follow .env.example)
    • Run yarn test

Linting and Formatting

Neogma uses eslint for linting and prettier for formatting.

  • For linting, run yarn lint
  • For formatting, run yarn format


You can try the following to see it in action!

First install neogma: npm i neogma

Then, run this:

const { Neogma, ModelFactory } = require('neogma');

// create a neogma instance and database connection
const neogma = new Neogma(
        // use your connection details
        url: 'bolt://localhost',
        username: 'neo4j',
        password: 'password',
        logger: console.log,

// create a Users model
const Users = ModelFactory(
        label: 'User',
        schema: {
            name: {
                type: 'string',
                minLength: 3,
                required: true,
            age: {
                type: 'number',
                minimum: 0,
            id: {
                type: 'string',
                required: true,
        primaryKeyField: 'id',
        relationshipCreationKeys: {},

const createAndUpdateUser = async () => {
    // creates a new Users node
    const user = await Users.createOne({
        id: '1',
        name: 'John',
        age: 38,

    console.log(; // 'John' = 'Alex';
    // updates the node's name in the database
    console.log(; // 'Alex'

    await neogma.getDriver().close();


The Cypher which runs in createAndUpdateUser is the following:

Statement: UNWIND {bulkCreateOptions} as bulkCreateData CREATE (bulkCreateNodes:`User`) SET bulkCreateNodes += bulkCreateData
Parameters: { bulkCreateOptions: [ { name: 'John', age: 38, id: '1' } ] }

Statement: MATCH (node:`User`) WHERE = $id SET = $name
Parameters: { id: '1', name: 'Jack' }

Another feature is to associate the created nodes with other nodes, which will either be created now or by matched by a where clause. This supports infinite nesting for maximum flexibility.

await Users.createMany([
        id: '1',
        name: 'John',
        age: 38,
        // assuming we're created an Orders Model and alias
        Orders: {
            attributes: [
                    // creates a new Order node with the following properties, and associates it with John
                    id: '1',
                    status: 'confirmed',
            where: {
                params: {
                    // matches an Order node with the following id and associates it with John
                    id: '2',

// find the Order node which is created in the above operation
const order = await Orders.findOne({
    where: {
        id: '1',

console.log(order.status); // confirmed

The cypher which runs in Users.createMany is the following:

Statement: CREATE (node:`User`) SET node += $data CREATE (node__aaaa:`Order`) SET node__aaaa += $data__aaaa CREATE (node)-[:CREATES]->(node__aaaa) WITH DISTINCT node MATCH (targetNode:`Order`) WHERE = $id CREATE (node)-[r:CREATES]->(targetNode)

Parameters: {
  data: { name: 'John', age: 38, id: '1' },
  data__aaaa: { id: '1', status: 'confirmed' },
  id: '2'

John Creates Order graph

All of the above run in a single statement for max performance.

All the user-specified values are automatically used in the query with bind parameters. Neogma also offers helpers to easily create your own queries with generated where clauses and bind parameters.
