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Create Projects

Maulie Shah edited this page Jun 2, 2024 · 3 revisions

Project Page Forms

  • User will be able to create project where they enter all the specification regarding the parking availability, which helps our website to determine/calculate the project level, citywide parking baseline, parking provided/baseline, earned and target points.
  • User can enter all the basic information on page 1 where Project Name, Address and AIN/APN is mandatory field.
  • Page 2 will allow user to add all the specifications which will help determine Project Level, Citywide Parking Baseline and target points.
  • Page 3 will allow user to add parking spaces which helps TDM project to determine earned points and Parking provided/baseline.
  • Page 4 will help user to determine if they qualify for a bonus package or an extra points or not.
  • Page 5 will provide the details and results and will allow user to print summary and save project.


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