#create an http.Handler that will look at the path of any incoming web request and determine if it should redirect the user to a new page. For instance, if we have a redirect setup for /dogs to https://www.somesite.com/a-story-about-dogs we would look for any incoming web requests with the path /dogs and redirect them. In main.go
yaml := `
- path: /urlshort
url: https://github.com/anushkamittal20/urlshort
- path: /link
url: https://github.com/anushkamittal20/link
- path: /urlshort-final
url: https:`
One can add their own urls by changing - path: /shortpathname url: url_to_be redirected_to
or in main.go
pathsToUrls := map[string]string{
"/w3": "https://www.w3schools.com/html/",
"/html-wiki": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML",
add by adding elements to the mapp in form :
"/shortpathname": "url_to_be redirected_to",
The handler.go will try to match any incoming requests in its mapHandler and the yamlHandler will turn the yaml requests to the format required by mapHandler and reuse its functionality. To execute , clone the repository and
go run main/main.go
in the terminal