a wiimote to twitter thingy. by Wesley Hill (@hakobyte)
twiimote is a small toy program that 'connects your wiimote to twitter'. it's as simple as that.
Real reason: I wrote this application just for fun because I was bored due to A Level revision/exams :/
asciicast: https://asciinema.org/a/4572
youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMEmvo1dbgg
You're gonna need some stuff in order to get twiimote up and running:
A Nintendo Wiimote RVL-CNT-01
- The motionplus version of the wiimote (Nintendo RVL-CNT-01-TR) reportedly works through the 'sync' button. But it's not been tested.
Linux or a VM. Virtualbox (for windows and mac users)
twiimote requires python-cwiid
and python-bluez
& obviously pip
sudo apt-get install python-cwiid python-bluez bluez
sudo pip install twiimote
keep in mind twiimote only works on GNU/Linux.
not mac or windows.
open a terminal and launch:
that's it!
When inside twiimote press these buttons to navigate.
Home = Home Timeline - press Home to exit
1 = List @Mentions
2 = List DM's
A = ?????
B = Hashtag tracking. - press Home to exit.
Minus = Exit
twiimote not behaving itself?
contact me on twitter or by e-mail here.
or fork this repo and contribute! :D
twython by @ryanmcgrath - for the awesome twitter api wrapper in python.
colorama by Jonathan Hartley - for pwetty terminal colours.
Nintendo - for the wiimote duh.
twiimote is free software.
twiimote is licensed under the MIT license
munchi says thanks, for using this software, knowing that you will do good with it.