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halirutan edited this page Nov 29, 2018 · 4 revisions

To receive updates for the latest beta versions of the Mathematica plugin, you need to add the beta repository to your IDEA installation. After that, you will get update-notifications each time a new beta version is available which is far more frequently than updates for the stable versions.

Especially the upcoming 3.0 version will for some time only be available as a beta, as there were substantial changes to core algorithms of the plugin which need to be tested carefully. This new version will only work in IDEA 2018. Therefore, please update your IDEA installation to the latest release.

To add the beta channel in IDEA 2018.3 or later, go to File -> Settings -> Plugins. In this setting page, click on the ⚙ icon in the upper right corner:


Choose Manage Plugin Repository... from the popup and in the appearing dialog, please add the URL

as shown here:


After closing this window, you can search for Mathematica as usual in the Browse Repositories window and you will find that the beta version is displayed and ready for install.