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Patrick Scheibe edited this page May 5, 2018 · 5 revisions
  • 05/05/2018 The new version 3.0 is in preparation which contains a rewrite of much of the core functionality. It will contain completion and navigation across modules and other Mathematica package. There are many new features and bug fixes.

  • 06/06/2017: Code folding based on comment sections like (* ::Section:: *) and other enhancements for working with comments.

  • 04/06/2017: Improved "Surround With" when no code was selected. The engine makes a meaningful guess now about what the user might want to surround. This helps extremely when you want to surround whole functions or lists.

  • 15/05/2017: Complete reworking of the parsing and handling of comments. Now, built-in function completion inside comments works.

  • 30/11/2016: In addition to in-place renaming of functions, their arguments, and variables of Module, Block, Table, ... in the new version even usage messages of functions are handled correctly

  • 28/11/2016: I worked hard on the support of Mathematica 11. In the next days, I will publish a new version of the Mathematica plugin that comes with complete support for all Mathematica 11 functions, a new inspection that helps you develop code for older Mathematica versions by highlighting functions that are not available in your Mathematica version. Additionally, I created a whole new set of icons that fit perfectly in the new design of IDEA 2016.3. Stay tuned.