Hi, I'm Patrick. During the day, I'm a research scientist in the Neurophysics Department at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences where my focus is on developing algorithms to quantify and analyse high-resolution MRI datasets. I like to spend my free-time on various projects that usually have something to do with math or science, however my most popular repository is the Key Promoter X, a small plugin for IntelliJ IDEs.
I'm not particularly bound to any specific technology and usually try to go with what's right for the job. That means for IntelliJ plugins, it's Java, Kotlin, Gradle and for research Python, C++, CMake, and Mathematica. However, I'm a big advocate for Wolfram Mathematica that I use for modelling, calculations, and prototyping, and I love IntelliJ products and use IDEA, CLion, PyCharm, WebStorm, and recently even Rider.
Here are some random things about me:
- I installed the electrical wiring for our house and programmed the shutter control
- I have a co-authorship distance of 3 with Donald E. Knuth
- I love making music, usually rock but also things like this, and I play several instruments
- I had the honor of working with Albert Rich on a rule-based integrator for mathematica expressions
- I love mathematical visualizing like the feather-like Collatz sequence below
- The IntelliJ developers Slack
- The StackExchange site for Wolfram Mathematica