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How to install braincase

bhavicp edited this page Nov 15, 2012 · 8 revisions

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  1. SSH or console into your Debian installation (Herin referred to as "server") and download the Braincase package with the following command:
wget -O braincase.deb
  1. This will put a package named Braincase.deb in your current directory.
  2. Before installing run the following; This command adds the sid mirror to your server as the current 6.X repo does not have Dokuwiki in it.

Note that this can break systems with existing software and application as ALL packages will be replaced with upgraded version in the sid repo (if there is one)

echo "deb sid main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list && apt-get update
  1. You can then install it using the following:
dpkg -i braincase.deb
  1. If it fails because of dependencies then run:
apt-get -f install
  1. During this time, it will ask you a few questions. Leave the defaults (ie just press enter).

Here are the screens, in order.

  • This screen, press enter then q then enter.


  • Press enter


  • Press enter


  • Press enter


  • Press enter


  • Press enter



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