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Meeting with James 13th April

hamstar edited this page Apr 21, 2012 · 1 revision


Discuss the Requirements Elicitation process.


  • We need to decide on a method for capturing requirements
  • We need to create an issue which details our decisions
  • We need to capture the high priority requirements
    • Automatic Backup
    • Portability
    • Multiuser
    • Personal Repository
  • We need to do an Architecture Specification
    • Diagram showing the components of the system and how they interact with one another
    • What packages would be needed (LAMP stack etc)
    • How to manage the packages
    • How this will be managed post project
      • how to do updates (including plugin updates)
      • safety of the stack
  • The personal repository should be captured in the automatic backup
  • Information should be stored in a format-agnostic manner and exported to a chosen format
  • A goal of the software is that the data and use of the system is to remain available in perpetuity
  • The software can be geared toward the technical who (e.g.) know how to use yum install etc
  • Suggested reading: Requirements - A Unified Approach

Some basic use cases:

  • The user can download an rpm package and install it, start the server stack, upload a previous data export and have access to their data
  • The user can download a virtual machine, run it on their PC, point their web browser at the virtual machine, upload a previous data export and have access to their data


  1. Find a book about requirements and read it (the agenda should say what book we found and how it helped)
  2. Decide on a way to capture requirements (the next agenda to say what we decided)
  3. Write an issue report saying how we decided how to capture requirements (the next agenda should say we did this, and we need to show James)
  4. Produce an initial list of requirements based on the backup, portability, deployment requirements that we have discussed (the agenda should say that you did this, and where they are)
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