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Meeting with James 11 May

hamstar edited this page May 17, 2012 · 11 revisions


Present completed actions below.

###Actions from previous meeting on 20th April

  1. Create Vision for the Software
  2. Main points for document created
  3. Determine how to add secure access
  4. Done via issue How to add secure access (SSL/HTTPS)
  5. Determine how to implement backup security
  6. Done here: How to implement backup security
  7. Expand github tags
  8. Completed
  9. Read articles and wiki pages
  10. Completed
  11. Read something on ATs
  12. ?
  13. Complete req spec
  14. Completed


  • Vision is heading in the wrong direction. New Vision focus:
  • Benefits to client. What does the software do.
  • I.E. Ability to organize and preserve knowledge
  • More detail/depth on encryption (ccrypt, gpg isn't too secure - James)
  • Design Decision Labels - ADD THEM
  • Should log bandwidth system will be using
  • Make User Repo backup 'issue'
  • Should be able to Manually initiate backup - Should be easy.


Actions for this meeting

  1. Do Vision Document
  2. Design Decisions [From last meeting]
  3. Use cases on backup secuirty
  4. Use cases for bandwidth usage
  5. Draft of design/architecture document [Important]
  6. Acceptance Tests [Important] [From last meeting]
  7. Design Rational [From last meeting]
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