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Management of personal finance is a daily routine. "Ny Volako" literally translated from Malagasy to English means "My Finances". It is an API to records your personal finance history. The aim of this project is to demonstrate skills of developing, testing, securing, and deploying that API to the cloud. In addition to that, this API would requir…


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Ny Volako

Management of personal finance is a daily routine. "Ny Volako" literally translated from Malagasy to English means "My Finances". It is an API to records your personal finance history. The aim of this project is to demonstrate skills of developing, testing, securing, and deploying that API to the cloud. In addition to that, this API would require small changes, and a Front End to be a Minimum Valuable Product.

Table of Contents

  • Project Dependencies
  • Local Development
    • Installing the Dependencies
      • Python 3.9
      • Virtual Environment
      • PIP Dependencies
    • Configuring the Database
    • Configuring Auth0
    • Execute Unit Tests
    • Running the Server
  • Hosting on Heroku
  • API Reference
    • Error Handling
    • Endpoints
    • GET /accounts
    • POST /accounts
    • PATCH /accounts/int:account_id
    • DELETE /accounts/int:account_id
    • GET /transactions
    • POST /transactions
    • PATCH /transactions/int:account_id
    • DELETE /transactions/int:account_id

Project Dependencies

The main libraries, framework, and tools used by this API are:

  • Python 3.9
  • Flask
  • SQLAlchemy
  • PostgreSQL
  • Auth0
  • Heroku
  • UnitTest

Local Development

Here are the steps to run the API in a local development environment.

Installing the Dependencies

Python 3.9

Follow instructions to install the latest version of python for your platform in the python docs

Virtual Environment

It is recommended to work within a virtual environment whenever using Python for projects. This keeps the dependencies for each project separate and organized. Instructions for setting up a virtual environment can be found in the python docs

PIP Dependencies

Once a virtual environment is up and running, install dependencies by navigating to the root ./ directory of the source code and running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This will install all the required packages marked under the requirements.txt file.

Configuring the Database

Ny Volako API is using PostgreSQL. For a quickstart, under PostgreSQL using tool such as pgAdmin, follow the steps below:

  • Create a user 'nyvolako' with a password 'nyvolako'
  • Create a database named 'nyvolako' having as owner the user 'nyvolako'
  • Create another database named 'nyvolako_test' having also 'nyvolako' as owner
  • Make sure that the DB is running on localhost:5432

Should these parameters be changed, update the file ./ accordingly. It has two classes Config and ConfigTest. The first one is to start the server in a development environment and the second one is for UnitTest.

Configuring Auth0

As this API is based on Auth0, it can be tied to a custom Auth0 tenant. To do that:

  • Under Auth0
    • Create an account
    • Create an APP
      • Set Application Login URI to
      • Set Allowed Callback URLs to
      • Set Allowed Logout URLs to
    • Create an API
      • Activate RBAC
      • Activate Add Permissions in the Access Token
      • Add the following permissions to that API - accounts:get, accounts:delete, accounts:new , accounts:update, transactions:get, transactions:delete, transactions:new, transactions:update
    • Create the roles
      • add role Accountant with all the permissions
      • add role Secretary with only accounts:get, transactions:get, and transactions:new
    • Generate test tokens by navigating to the following url (Consider changing the variables)
      • https://%DOMAIN_NAME%/authorize?audience=%API_IDENTIFIER%&response_type=token&client_id=%CLIENT_ID% &redirect_uri=
        • DOMAIN_NAME is the address of the Auth0 tenant in form of ****
        • API_IDENTIFIER is the identifier of the API under Auth0
        • CLIENT_ID is the identifier of the APP under Auth0
      • Create users as required and assign them a role using Auth0 dashboard
  • Under the source code ./, modify the following files:
    • ./utils/ - Change the constants AUTH0_DOMAIN and API_AUDIENCE
    • ./test/ - Change the tokens with valid ones using the above steps

Execute unit tests

If needed, update the file ./test/ by changing the tokens with valid ones using the above steps under configuration.

From within the ./ directory first ensure you are working using your created virtual environment.

To execute the full set of tests, run the following command under the ./ directory.

python -m unittest discover test

Running the Server

From within the ./ directory first ensure you are working using your created virtual environment. To run the server, execute:

flask db upgrade
flask run --reload

This API is having so flask will start the server using that file. The --reload flag will detect file changes and restart the server automatically.

Hosting on Heroku

In the next bash commands, name_of_your_application refers to the identifier of the API when hosted in Heroku. Here are the steps to deploy the API:

  • Make sure to have git installed
  • Create an account in Heroku as needed
  • Install Heroku CLI following these instructions
  • Log into Heroku CLI using
    heroku login
  • Create the Heroku app
    heroku create name_of_your_application
    Change name_of_your_app as necessary
  • Add PostgreSQL addon for the database
    heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev --app name_of_your_application
  • Configure git by running the next command under ./
    heroku git:remote -a name_of_your_application
  • Then push the source codes to Heroku
    git push heroku HEAD:master
  • Finally, upgrade the DB in Heroku
    heroku run flask db upgrade --app name_of_your_application
  • The API can be troubleshooted with
    heroku logs --app=name_of_your_application --tail
  • Test the hosted API by adjusting the file ./test_live/ as needed
    • Change the constant API_URL to the URL given by Heroku
    • Adjust the tests
    • Run the test
    python -m unittest test_live

API Reference

  • Base URL: At present, without any changes, this API can be
    • run and accessed locally
    • or accessed on Heroku
  • Authentication: The following tokens issued by can be used
    • accountant role which can call all endpoints - eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IjBwWmxGaGxKb1V1TU45UEpGQ3k2NCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2tvdG9nYXN5LmV1LmF1dGgwLmNvbS8iLCJzdWIiOiJnb29nbGUtb2F1dGgyfDEwMTkzNDYyODU4ODA2Mzc0NjM5OSIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vbnl2b2xha28ubW9kZXJuYW50Lm1nIiwiaWF0IjoxNjI1MDgyMTM3LCJleHAiOjE2MjUxNjg1MzcsImF6cCI6ImZxTEtXV0lmbkt4cmFFbmpjRkNKMFd4eFZWckhvQXllIiwic2NvcGUiOiIiLCJwZXJtaXNzaW9ucyI6WyJhY2NvdW50czpkZWxldGUiLCJhY2NvdW50czpnZXQiLCJhY2NvdW50czpuZXciLCJhY2NvdW50czp1cGRhdGUiLCJ0cmFuc2FjdGlvbnM6ZGVsZXRlIiwidHJhbnNhY3Rpb25zOmdldCIsInRyYW5zYWN0aW9uczpuZXciLCJ0cmFuc2FjdGlvbnM6dXBkYXRlIl19.GlzfqdWVxRVQeQ3viuVcRo6dB2Uo-pH7c-QNoMjJOPfzMvCUXH_u8gKdVr4bRcixY3PkDhIM7JcFHDev2yu3HVDy5Fz0VvdyBNGvuRJjHnfud5eYalysBY2Bkud7s-qavTgYKz7z-l7c0_HnMjqmxiMNK31Ql1K8zEHBSUuaz0pZnYoWr_dl_W78x_9aYR9Iru2UZYjz5MWbAm_QBSKZ2dPuHOzoDDAYRFLfelVoDV4ypuP0kXIZS_CWtKSf8p1z2WT5MCQOJzytiRDuYSIz_25ol0RLsCxPdf5teJ-305EKbVhdTrlMVSyE4So8js-cWpujgYGASujYEGFVYrRFvA
    • secretary role which can only get a list of transactions, get list of accounts, and post new transaction - eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IjBwWmxGaGxKb1V1TU45UEpGQ3k2NCJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2tvdG9nYXN5LmV1LmF1dGgwLmNvbS8iLCJzdWIiOiJhdXRoMHw2MGRiOWE3YjA2MDViMjAwNzJkNjQ1MGYiLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL255dm9sYWtvLm1vZGVybmFudC5tZyIsImlhdCI6MTYyNTA4MTQ3MywiZXhwIjoxNjI1MTY3ODczLCJhenAiOiJmcUxLV1dJZm5LeHJhRW5qY0ZDSjBXeHhWVnJIb0F5ZSIsInNjb3BlIjoiIiwicGVybWlzc2lvbnMiOlsiYWNjb3VudHM6Z2V0IiwidHJhbnNhY3Rpb25zOmdldCIsInRyYW5zYWN0aW9uczpuZXciXX0.boNDu_H-1ikTOnjaZ8l4l-yGvUldtxQTjTLc90abPMn6ytt15VLiohLloPsJtWceWHSvr9UfmFpDj_BjW4D7mAT5GWUd8mH_YX5x_Za3Te9obSswQ2h30b807rQ1TMXYD8h8F8sT4jSxiadHaZTt7XbjZzCtva_rnj8fWP90dg5T7xGurhTSt0DB-T3xX2OaK_SxOl6OPZ_Ll8VF2Cgy4Y1DHsJ35qDWUAAOBWW3shXs11PrDGlpP0NAOokEf0KoFofy_CqxLWl-E2gNH0hMB-vpJjE9fkKws95EXZAM6yLeEY4ZWoy6sV66Cyy-XUFscz9zwzDldd3Xx8gf89KUcA

Error handling

Errors are returned as JSON objects in the following format:

    "success": False, 
    "error": 400,
    "message": "bad request"

The API will return four error types when requests fail:

  • 400: Bad Request
  • 401: Unauthorized
  • 403: Forbidden
  • 404: Resource Not Found
  • 409: Integrity Error
  • 422: Not Processable


  • GET /accounts
  • POST /accounts
  • PATCH /accounts/int:account_id
  • DELETE /accounts/int:account_id
  • GET /transactions
  • POST /transactions
  • PATCH /transactions/int:account_id
  • DELETE /transactions/int:account_id

GET /accounts

  • Fetches an array of accounts
  • Required permission: accounts:get
  • Request Arguments: None
  • Returns:
    • objects: array of accounts
  • Sample:
    import requests
    response = requests.get(API_URL + '/accounts',
                             headers={'Authorization': 'bearer ' + TOKEN})
  • Output Sample:
      "success": true,
      "objects": [{"id": 1, "name": "Bank", "type": "asset"},
                  {"id": 2, "name": "Owner 1", "type":  "equity"}]

POST /accounts

  • Adds new account to the API database
  • Required permission: accounts:new
  • Request Arguments: These are expected to be a JSON in the request body
    • name: name of the account
    • type: type of the account and the allowed values are asset,expense, drawing, liability, revenue, and equity
  • Returns: a json indicating that the post was successful
  • Sample:
    import requests
    response = + '/accounts', json={'name': 'Bank',
                             'type': 'asset'},
                             headers={'Authorization': 'bearer ' + TOKEN})
  • Output Sample:
      "success": true

PATCH /accounts/int:account_id

  • Update only the name of an account that exists already in the API database. The type of the account cannot be updated as it may lead to unbalanced accounts
  • Required permission: accounts:update
  • Request Arguments:
    • account_id part of the URL indicates the account to be updated
    • name provided as a JSON in the request body indicates the new name of the account
  • Returns: a json indicating that the update was successful
  • Sample:
    import requests
    response = requests.patch(API_URL + '/accounts/1', json={'name': 'New Bank'},
                             headers={'Authorization': 'bearer ' + TOKEN})
  • Output Sample:
      "success": true

DELETE /accounts/int:account_id

  • Deletes a given account. This returns an error if there is at least one movement attached to the account.
  • Required permission: accounts:delete
  • Request Arguments: account_id, part of the URL, which is the id of the account to be deleted.
  • Returns: a json indicating that the deleting was successful
  • Sample:
    import requests
    response = requests.delete(API_URL + '/accounts/1',
                             headers={'Authorization': 'bearer ' + TOKEN})
  • Output Sample:
      "success": true

GET /transactions

  • Fetches a list of all transactions
  • Required permission: transactions:get
  • Request Arguments: None
  • Returns:
    • objects: an array of transactions where each transaction has a list of movements
  • Sample:
    import requests
    response = requests.get(API_URL + '/transactions',
                             headers={'Authorization': 'bearer ' + TOKEN})
  • Output Sample:
      [{"date": "Tue, 3 June 2021 10:15:23 GMT",
       "description": "Initial funding",
       "movements": [
           {"account_id": 1,
            "amount": 5000},
           {"account_id": 2,
            "amount": 5000}
       {"date": "Wed, 9 June 2021 20:50:13 GMT",
       "description": "Buying car",
       "movements": [
           {"account_id": 2,
            "amount": -1000},
           {"account_id": 3,
            "amount": 1000}

POST /transactions

  • Post a new valid transaction to the database. It is valid when:
    • the sum of the amount of its movements equate by following the rule of asset + expense + drawing = liability + revenue + equity
    • each movement has an amount different from zero
    • each movement is tied to an account that exists
  • Required permission: transactions:new
  • Request Arguments: a json object in the request body having the following members
    • date - date of the transaction
    • description - description of the transaction
    • movements - an array of movement where each is having an amount different from zero, and an account_id which exists in the database
  • Returns: a json indicating that the post was successful
  • Sample:
    import requests
    new_transaction = {"date": "Wed, 9 June 2021 20:50:13 GMT",
       "description": "Buying car",
       "movements": [
           {"account_id": 2,
            "amount": -1000},
           {"account_id": 3,
            "amount": 1000}
    response = + '/transactions', json=new_transaction,
                             headers={'Authorization': 'bearer ' + TOKEN})
  • Output Sample:
      "success": true

PATCH /transactions/int:transaction_id

  • Update an existing transaction while keeping its validity. It is valid when:
    • the sum of the amount of its movements equate by following the rule of asset + expense + drawing = liability + revenue + equity
    • each movement has an amount different from zero
    • each movement is tied to an account that exists
  • Required permission: transactions:update
  • Request Arguments:
    • transaction_id, part of the URL, which is the id of the transaction to be updated
    • a json object in the request body having the following members
      • date - date of the transaction
      • description - description of the transaction
      • movements - an array of movement where each is having an amount different from zero, and an account_id which exists in the database
  • Returns: a json indicating that the patch was successful
  • Sample:
    import requests
    updated_transaction = {"date": "Thu, 10 June 2021 20:50:13 GMT",
       "description": "Buying car on another date",
       "movements": [
           {"account_id": 2,
            "amount": -1000},
           {"account_id": 3,
            "amount": 1000}
    response = requests.patch(API_URL + '/transactions/2', json=updated_transaction,
                             headers={'Authorization': 'bearer ' + TOKEN})
  • Output Sample:
      "success": true

DELETE /transactions/int:transaction_id

  • Deletes a transaction from the API database including the movements that are linked to it
  • Required permission: transactions:delete
  • Request Arguments: transaction_id, part of the URL, which is the id of the transaction to be deleted
  • Returns: a json indicating that the deleting was successful
  • Sample:
    import requests
    response = requests.delete(API_URL + '/transactions/2',
                               headers={'Authorization': 'bearer ' + TOKEN})
  • Output Sample:
      "success": true


Management of personal finance is a daily routine. "Ny Volako" literally translated from Malagasy to English means "My Finances". It is an API to records your personal finance history. The aim of this project is to demonstrate skills of developing, testing, securing, and deploying that API to the cloud. In addition to that, this API would requir…








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