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Compares 2 texts with each other, and returns a Pandas DataFrame

pip install  a-pandas-ex-text-compare
from a_pandas_ex_text_compare import pd_add_text_difference
import pandas as pd


# Examples of possible inputs (bytes, list, string, path (as string))

text1 = """  1. Beautiful isxx better than ugly.
  2. Explicit isq better than implicit.
  3. Simple is better than complex.
  4. Complex is better than complicated.

text2 = """  
1. Beautiful is better than ugly.
  2. Explicit is better than implicit.
  3. qSimple is better than pcomplex.
  4. Complicated aais better than complex.
  5. Flat is better than nested.
text2 = '''The green man wakes and sees her place
The spectacles upon her face;
And now she's trying all she can
To shoot the sleepy, green-coat man.
He cries and screams and runs away;
The hare runs after him all day
The hare runs after him all day
And hears him call out everywhere:
"Help! Fire! Help! The Hare! The Hare!"'''.encode()

text1 = b'''The yellow man wakes and sees her place
The spectacles upon her face;
The spectacles upon her face;
And now she is trying all that she can
To shoot the tired, green-coat man.
He cries and screams and runs away;
The hare runs after him the whole day
And hears him call out everywhere:
and hears him call out everywhere:
"Help! Fire! Help! The Hare! The Hare!"'''

text1 = r"C:\Users\Gamer\Documents\Downloads\testread.txt"

df = pd.Q_text_difference_to_df(text1, text2, encoding="utf-8")

    no                                  aa_text                                  bb_text                            aa_added                   bb_substracted aa_changed bb_changed                                         aa_diff                                      bb_diff                                          aa_parts                                           bb_parts
0    0   The green man wakes and sees her place  The yellow man wakes and sees her place                                <NA>                             <NA>          y         gr                                   (diff_chg, y)                               (diff_chg, gr)  (The , gr, e, en,  man wakes and sees her place)  (The , y, e, llow,  man wakes and sees her place)
1    0   The green man wakes and sees her place  The yellow man wakes and sees her place                                <NA>                             <NA>       llow         gr                                (diff_chg, llow)                               (diff_chg, gr)  (The , gr, e, en,  man wakes and sees her place)  (The , y, e, llow,  man wakes and sees her place)
2    0   The green man wakes and sees her place  The yellow man wakes and sees her place                                <NA>                             <NA>          y         en                                   (diff_chg, y)                               (diff_chg, en)  (The , gr, e, en,  man wakes and sees her place)  (The , y, e, llow,  man wakes and sees her place)
3    0   The green man wakes and sees her place  The yellow man wakes and sees her place                                <NA>                             <NA>       llow         en                                (diff_chg, llow)                               (diff_chg, en)  (The , gr, e, en,  man wakes and sees her place)  (The , y, e, llow,  man wakes and sees her place)
4    1            The spectacles upon her face;            The spectacles upon her face;                                <NA>                             <NA>       <NA>       <NA>                                             NaN                                          NaN                  (The spectacles upon her face;,)                   (The spectacles upon her face;,)
5    2                                                     The spectacles upon her face;       The spectacles upon her face;                             <NA>       <NA>       <NA>       (diff_add, The spectacles upon her face;)                                          NaN                                                ()                   (The spectacles upon her face;,)
6    3                                                     The spectacles upon her face;       The spectacles upon her face;                             <NA>       <NA>       <NA>       (diff_add, The spectacles upon her face;)                                          NaN                                                ()                   (The spectacles upon her face;,)
7    4         And now she's trying all she can   And now she is trying all that she can                                <NA>                             <NA>          i          '                                  (diff_chg,  i)                                (diff_chg, ')            (And now she, ', s trying all she can)   (And now she,  i, s trying all , that , she can)
8    4         And now she's trying all she can   And now she is trying all that she can                               that                              <NA>       <NA>          '                               (diff_add, that )                                (diff_chg, ')            (And now she, ', s trying all she can)   (And now she,  i, s trying all , that , she can)
9    5     To shoot the sleepy, green-coat man.      To shoot the tired, green-coat man.                                <NA>                             <NA>        tir         sl                                 (diff_chg, tir)                               (diff_chg, sl)    (To shoot the , sl, e, epy, , green-coat man.)      (To shoot the , tir, e, d, , green-coat man.)
10   5     To shoot the sleepy, green-coat man.      To shoot the tired, green-coat man.                                <NA>                             <NA>          d         sl                                   (diff_chg, d)                               (diff_chg, sl)    (To shoot the , sl, e, epy, , green-coat man.)      (To shoot the , tir, e, d, , green-coat man.)
11   5     To shoot the sleepy, green-coat man.      To shoot the tired, green-coat man.                                <NA>                             <NA>        tir        epy                                 (diff_chg, tir)                              (diff_chg, epy)    (To shoot the , sl, e, epy, , green-coat man.)      (To shoot the , tir, e, d, , green-coat man.)
12   5     To shoot the sleepy, green-coat man.      To shoot the tired, green-coat man.                                <NA>                             <NA>          d        epy                                   (diff_chg, d)                              (diff_chg, epy)    (To shoot the , sl, e, epy, , green-coat man.)      (To shoot the , tir, e, d, , green-coat man.)
13   6      He cries and screams and runs away;      He cries and screams and runs away;                                <NA>                             <NA>       <NA>       <NA>                                             NaN                                          NaN            (He cries and screams and runs away;,)             (He cries and screams and runs away;,)
14   7          The hare runs after him all day          The hare runs after him all day                                <NA>                             <NA>       <NA>       <NA>                                             NaN                                          NaN                (The hare runs after him all day,)                 (The hare runs after him all day,)
15   8          The hare runs after him all day       And hears him call out everywhere:  And hears him call out everywhere:  The hare runs after him all day       <NA>       <NA>  (diff_add, And hears him call out everywhere:)  (diff_sub, The hare runs after him all day)                (The hare runs after him all day,)              (And hears him call out everywhere:,)
16   9       And hears him call out everywhere:       And hears him call out everywhere:                                <NA>                             <NA>       <NA>       <NA>                                             NaN                                          NaN             (And hears him call out everywhere:,)              (And hears him call out everywhere:,)
17  10  "Help! Fire! Help! The Hare! The Hare!"  "Help! Fire! Help! The Hare! The Hare!"                                <NA>                             <NA>       <NA>       <NA>                                             NaN                                          NaN        ("Help! Fire! Help! The Hare! The Hare!",)         ("Help! Fire! Help! The Hare! The Hare!",)
