Data analysis and visualisation application for fatigue-digital-twin platform. It is the desktop client of the fatigue-digital-twin platform. Fatigue-digital-twin platform aims at creating a digital fatigue representation of the engineering structure. This project contains the prototype desktop client of the platform, named as Equinox. The application has the following major capabilities,
- Parameterized fatigue spectrum analysis,
- 2D & 3D data visualization,
- Search engine for central digital-twin database,
- Collaboration (file and view sharing),
- Automatic report generation,
- Plugin extensions (currently can be written in Java or Perl)
Screenshots below demonstrate some of the analysis and data visualization capabilities of Equinox.
Here's a 5 minutes screencast demonstrating some of the analysis and data visualization capabilities of Equinox. 3D data visualizations are demonstrated in this short video.
Equinox is a highly multi-threaded application. All features of the application are performed by background tasks running in thread pools. In addition to multi-threading, it also supports peer-to-peer task sharing among Equinox clients.
The software is developed using the following major frameworks and libraries:
- Git for version control,
- Maven for dependency management,
- e(fx)clipse for generating Ant build files,
- InnoSetup for building Windows OS installation packages,
- JavaFX for user interface development,
- Apache Derby for embedded in-memory SQL database,
- HikariCP for database connection pooling,
- Kryonet for TCP networking with digital-twin server,
- VTK (Visualization Toolkit) for openGL 3D data visualization,
- JFreeChart for 2D charts and graphs,
- JSch (Java Secure Channel) for SMTP file server connection,
- iText for automatic PDF report generation
You would need to specify the following program and VM arguments in order to run the application in the development environment.
--maxParallelTasks=4 --maxParallelSubtasks=2 --databasePageSize=8192 --databasePageCacheSize=4000 --maxVisibleSTFsPerSpectrum=20 --colorTheme=steelblue
-Xms512m -Xmx2048m -XX:+UseStringDeduplication -Xverify:none -server -XX:+UseParallelGC