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Simple and efficient Linux Rice on BSPWM with Rose Pine Moon theme.

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  • Changed from Lightdm to Sddm (to support Wayland)
  • Use personal fork of st as main terminal and wezterm as backup terminal
  • Changed icons from Bibata cursors to RosePine Cursors (No need to manually download from pacman)
  • changed ncmcpp to mpdevil for opening cmp client through polybar
  • Use batsignal for battery notification
  • Changed polybar to simple top only bar


OS Arch
Bar Polybar
Terminal Kitty and URxvt
GUI File Manager Thunar
Compositor Picom
Application Launcher Rofi
Hotkey Daemon SXHKD
Wallpaper Setter Feh
Display Manager LightDM ,with Mini-Greeter

If you want the configuration files for other console applications that i use, head over to the .dotfiles repo. I like to decouple the desktopsetup from the command line applications.



The following fonts are utilised:

Application Fonts used
Kitty and URxvt Fira Code and Victor Mono
Polybar Iosevka Nerd Font for text, Feather and Material Design Iconic fonts for icons.
Rofi Fantasque Sans Mono

Copy the fonts from the fonts directory, and copy it to ~/.local/share/fonts directory, followed by running fc-cache on your system.
You can use your own fonts by editing the respective config files.

Quick installation tips

For those who know how everything works, you can install majority of the files by:

  • a) Installing the relevant packeges and the respective dependencies, including GNU Stow for sourcing symlinks.
  • b) Cloning the repo into your ~ directory, followed by
  • c) Using GNU Stow and to create symlinks for each of the packages. For example, to copy the files from X folder to the home folder, run stow X.
  • d) GTK theming must be stowed followed by using LXAppearance to apply it uniformly
  • Cursor theme used is Bibata Original Classic variant.

LightDM configuration must be done separately with root privileges.

Check the .stow-local-ignore file to see what all are ignored.

Manual Installation and Configuration


  • Copy the files from the X Directory into your home directory.
  • Make sure you have installed all the relevant Xorg packages as well as BSPWM and SXHKD.
  • Copy the config files from the BSPWM folder and add it to ~/.config/bspwm/ directory.
  • Do the same for SXHKD by adding the config file to ~/.config/sxhkd/ directory
  • Install Picom (the original package, not any other forks; since most of the features are now merged with the main fork), copy the config file from the Picom folder.
  • Make sure to make a wallpaper folder with the required wallpaper. Change the line with respect to feh in the bspwmrc in order to change the wallpaper.


If you use the simple bar, you can avoid using yad and yad powermenu.

Make sure that these packages are installed along with the Polybar package:

Package Usage
Rofi Application Launcher
Pulseaudio and Pavucontrol Volume control
Mpd Music bar
Yad Popup calendar and Powermenu

I use plattenalbum (earlier I used ncmpcpp) as my MPD client but you can use whatever client you want. Make sure to check out [module/music-player] section inside the modules.ini file.
I also use NetworkManager applet and Blueman-manager applets from the system tray since it is convenient compared to using the repective modules from polybar.
Theming for the gtk apps(eg: Pavucontrol, Popup Calendar, Powermenu, System Tray applications) used in polybar follows the Rose-Pine-Moon theme. Check out the Theming section for more info.

  • Copy the files from the Polybar folder to ~/.config/polybar/ directory.
  • Copy the config file from Rofi directory if you want to use Rofi
  • Make sure that all the scripts inside the Polybar folder are executable. If it is not, run chmod +x <filename>.
  • Various colors are declared in the colors.ini file but it is sourced from the .Xresources file so make sure the file is placed in the home directory.


Install Kitty terminal and/or URxvt. The config file for Kitty is in the Kitty directory. URxvt gets its configuration directly from the .Xresources file inside the X folder. URxvt also uses some perl extensions so check out this Arch Wiki section for more info.


The primarily used theme is the Rose-Pine theme, Moon variant. Most application themes are directly provided in the configuration files. For GTK applications such as Thunar and Firefox, theming is done by copying the files from the gtk folder followed by:

  • Placing the files in the .config directory in the ~/.config directory.
  • Placing the rose-pine-moon-icons folder inside the ~/.icons directory.
  • Placing the rose-pine-moon-gtk folder inside the ~/.themes directory.

Use a GTK theming application such as LXAppearance to preview and apply the settings.

Install the Bibata Cursor theme followed by applying it using LXAppearance.

Login Manager


⚠️ Make sure you know what you are doing! Check out this for more information. The system may break if you do it wrong.

Copy the files from the lightdm folder and copy it to /etc/lightdm folder. You may require sudo privileges to copy the files.\

Make sure that only one user is present in the system (excluding the root user), as the greeter is setup only for one person.


Download sddm package, download and follow instructions for sddm rose-pine theme. Copy the theme.config and replace the default theme.config along with the prism wallpaper into /usr/share/sddm/themes/sddm-rose-pine


Stow the batsignal files for battery notifications


-- Add battery notification popups (done)


Suggestions and Improvements are welcome.
If you have any issues with respect to using this repo to customize your desktop, raise a new issue here.
Pull requests are also accepted, provided the enhancements keep the project as minimal as possible.