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A Yeoman generator to create another of my learning repos.

Just one of the things I'm learning.

Key files: index.js and templates folder

Using generator-hchiam-learning

npm install -g generator-hchiam-learning
mkdir learning-something
cd learning-something
yo hchiam-learning

You might need to install Node.JS and Yeoman first: npm install -g yo. After running yo hchiam-learning, you should get something like this template repo:


yo hchiam-learning:mini

There's tons of other generators you can use to get up and running faster

Just use the searchbar:

Learn to build your own

Starting from this repo

git clone
cd generator-hchiam-learning
npm install
# (customize code and files)
npm link
npm publish
cd ~/Desktop
mkdir learning-something
cd learning-something
yo hchiam-learning

Starting from scratch (not using this repo)

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-generator
mkdir generator-my-generator
cd generator-my-generator
yo generator
# (customize code and files)
npm link
npm publish
cd ~/Desktop
mkdir some-repo
cd some-repo
yo my-generator

A newer example of how to publish to npm

(package.json setup only + yarn publish):

If you want to create a generator for a private project

You can avoid accidentally publishing to npm. This field is set by default in the generated package.json:

"private": true

More info in the npm docs.

Some interesting scripts to consider

  "scripts": {
    "start": "open build/index.html",
    "build": "babel src/index.js --out-file build/index.js; parcel build src/index.html --out-dir build --no-source-maps --no-cache; rm -rf dist; rm build/src.*.js",
    "test": "jest --passWithNoTests",
    "lint": "eslint src/*.js --max-warnings=0",
    "fix": "eslint --fix src/*.js",
    "fast": "nodemon -e js,html -w src -x 'npm run lint; npm run test; npm run build; npm run start;'"

Also consider using Cucumber Gherkin to connect "plain English" feature files to Cypress tests. Simple example:


You can update to the current version by running the global install command again: npm install -g generator-hchiam-learning

npm link has the side-effect of creating a folder like this: /Users/<username>/.nvm/versions/node/v10.13.0/lib/node_modules/generator-hchiam-learning (you might need to delete that folder if you get an error that references it when you try to run npm install -g generator-hchiam-learning)

A simpler alternative