VF-Apparel mono-repo includes the following technologies:
- [node.js]
- [Express]
- [TypeScript]
- [React]
- [Redux]
- [Axios]
- [Bootstrap]
- [Kubernetes]
- [Skaffold]
VF-Apparel dockerized version requires docker and enabling Kubernetes, if it's not already.
Install NGINX Ingress Controller.
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/controller-v1.3.0/deploy/static/provider/cloud/deploy.yaml
Install Skaffold. Skaffold deploys to your local Kubernetes cluster.
Clone the repository
gh repo clone hasancutcu/vf-apparel
cd vf-apparel
Run Skaffold to deploy to your local Kubernetes cluster and watch changes of the code. Make sure your current context is set to the cluster you want to deploy to. In this case it's the local cluster (docker-desktop).
skaffold dev
Go to http://localhost/