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All available Commands:

ADDPING 1 none Adds an additional ping for your account none
ALLOWMESSAGES 2 none Used to allow messages send by the bot in the current channel none
BANSEARCH 1 user Searches for the last ban for a certain user channel
BANSTATS 1 none Returnes the counter for bans tracked user
BOTINFO 1 none Gives an info about the bot none
CHANNELINFO 1 none Retrieves the currents stats about the channel none
CHATSTATS 1 user channel Checks if the given user is in the top 100 stats none
COLORHISTORY 1 none The bot will send a message containing your 10 latest colorchanges and the time between your latest change and now username
COMMANDINFO 1 command Gives you an info about the given command none
COMMANDS 1 none link to all available commands none
CUSTOMIZE 2 event message Customize the notify messages in this channel. use ${value}/${event}/${streamer} for values none
DISABLEMESSAGES 2 none Used to disallow messages send by the bot in the current channel none
EMOTEGAME 1 none Starts a game of hangman with thirdparty emotes none
EMOTEGAMESTATS 1 none Provides your stats for emotegames username
EMOTES 1 none Give the latest added emotes for the channel channel
EVAL 4 code Evaluates the given code none
JOIN 3 channel the bot will join the channel none
LASTBAN 1 none Searches for the last ban occured in the given channel channel
LASTPING 1 user Gets the information about the lastping for an user channel
LASTTIMEOUT 1 none Searches for the last timeout occured in the given channel. Only tracks timeouts longer than 300s channel
LEAVE 3 channel Used to make the mainclient leave a channel none
LIMITNOTIFICATION 1 none Sets limits for notifications channel
LIST 1 event list your notifications for events user
LYRICS 1 song creator Retrieves the lyrics for a given song none
MOVENOTIFY 1 streamer channel Moves your notifications to another channel none
NOTIFICATIONS 1 event Will return list all of your notifications none
NOTIFY 1 streamer event Enables notifications for a given streamern on a certain event. Available events: live/offline/title/game/all/emote_removed/emote_added none
PING 1 none Just a Ping command 4Head none
RATELIMIT 4 none Check the ratelimit none
REGISTER 1 none Deprecated, No longer required none
REGISTERCOLOR 1 none Used to register yourself for colorhistory. The bot will save your 10 latest colors and the time of your last change none
REMOVED 1 none Give the latest removed emotes for the channel channel
REMOVEME 1 streamer event Disables notifications for a given streamern on a certain event. Available events: live/offline/title/game/all/emote_removed/emote_added none
REMOVESUGGESTION 1 id removes your suggestion from the database none
RPS 1 rock/paper/scissors Play a game of rock, paper, scissors vs. the bot none
RPSPLAYERGAME 1 player Play a game of rps none
RPSSTATS 1 none Provides your stats for rps username
SEARCHUSER 4 username Search for a certain user in the database none
SETPERMISSIONS 4 username permissionlevel Sets the permissionslevel to the given level for a given user none
STATS 1 stats Provides your stats for cookie/rps/emotegame user
SUGGEST 1 suggestion Suggest something for helltfbot none
TIMEOUTSEARCH 1 user Searches for the last timeout for a certain user. Only tracks timeouts longer than 300s channel
TRACK 1 channel Used to make the watch client join a new channel to track none
TRACKCOUNTER 1 none Gets the current amount of tracked channels across twitch none
UNTRACK 1 channel Used to make the watch client leave a channel none
WORDLE 1 user Searches for the last ban for a certain user channel


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