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KaiGai Kohei edited this page Feb 21, 2020 · 29 revisions

about this Wikipage

This is center of the knowledge to administrate, optimize and develop PG-Strom for technical persons.

Category of notes

  • 0xx: Official state from the code development team
  • 1xx: Notes of system setup/administration
  • 2xx: Notes of performance optimization
  • 3xx: Notes of known problems and workaround
  • 4xx: reserved
  • 5xx: reserved
  • 6xx: reserved
  • 7xx: reserved
  • 8xx: Notes of general knowledge and tips
  • 9xx: Internal architecture & technology background

Style guideline

To keep the notes valuable, please follow the style guideline below when you write up a new note.

structure of the chapter

Any notes must contain the following chapter; titled with # tag.

  • Summary section introduces what is the purpose of this note in short, and overview of the solution.

    • It should be, in general, less than 200 words for fast reading.
  • Description section is the main part of the notes.

    • It should describe the topic in detail, but reasonably short, because the target of this wikipage is developer/administrator; not a beginner's tutorial.
    • It can have multiple sub-sections according to the characteristics of the topic.
  • Metadata contains the following information about note itself.

    • Author: name, organization (optional), and contact (either of e-mail, or SNS account).
    • Initial Date: date of the initial release.
    • Update Date: data of the major update (optional); no need to track every updates by hand.
    • References: link to other notes or website. Pay attention the link should be persistent as long as possible.
    • Software Version: Software version which is the target of this note.
      • Please don't use verXX.X or later manner because it is not easy task to update the documentation according to the software update.

Notes can optionally have the following chapter; titled with # tag.

  • Prerequisites chapter describes software/hardware prerequisites, if contents of the note are valid only under a particular configuration/environment/use cases.
  • Symptom chapter describes what user can observe when description of the note will help. Please don't forget it should be described from the standpoint of users when they still don't reach the root cause on troubles.
  • Solution chapter describes the solution or workaround to the problem.
  • Background chapter describes the background technology if it is not a common sense for database developers/administrators. Pay attention we don't intend the notes are beginner's tutorial, so introduction of the background technology should be simple enough to understand the problems/solutions.