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Andreas Reischuck edited this page Mar 23, 2014 · 5 revisions

The following generators are available. It’s only an overview, for more information run the generators without arguments for a help page.


disco generate scaffold RESOURCE [ATTR:TYPE ...]

This is similar to the rails scaffold generator. It creates a models with a migration and a projection. Also it creates commands and events for standard CRUD actions, as well as handlers for them in command processor, controller and projections.
Finally it adds a route for the resource.
Attributes are given with its type, like e.g. title:string.


disco generate command COMMAND_NAME [ATTR ....] [--event=EVENT_NAME] [--processor=PROCESSOR_NAME]

This generators a command and an event with the given name. Additional it creates a command_processor if none exists and adds the code for processing the newly generated code.

The COMMAND_NAME should be something like: created_post or CreatedPost

Attributes are given WITHOUT types. Commands are stored serialized therefore the names are sufficient.


disco generate model RESOURCE [ATTR:TYPE ...] [--domain]

This one creates a model, a projection and a migration. With the —domain option you can specify, that you want to create the resource for your domain.
Attributes are given with its type, like e.g. title:string.


disco generate projection NAME [EVENT EVENT] [--domain]

The final one creates a projection with methods for the events given. With the —domain option you can specify, that you want to create the projection for your domain.

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