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DevOps in distributed system

  • Deploy OpenShift with Minishift
    • Deploy a sample Multi-services application on OpenShift
    • Builds, Build Triggers, Image streams, Deployments

Project description

  • Implementation of different methods towards DevOps - within microservice architecture

  • Parse-server :

    • image built in docker container - kubernetes as orchestration tool
    • deploy the parse- server to kubernetes cluser (of course with already configured kubernetes)
    • Redis service
      • Create a kubernetes service


  • oc login

  • Build & deployment

    • image stream
    • OS registry, Docker hub
    • build config
    • docker strategy/ source strategy
    • build trigger
    • automate build
    • roling update
    • Blue/green strategy
    • A/B strategy deployment 80 % 20 %
    • oc rollout latest ..
  • network

    • SDN

      • plugin
      • overlay network
    • openvswitch

    • DNS server

  • service & route

  • LB

    • define security
    • split traffic
  • scaling : replicas

  • storage

    • persistent volumne
  • template & catalog

    • oc create -f template-config.yml

Example architecture deployment

  • service (source strategy deployment)

    • deploy redis service
      • redis template
    • add python app deployment
      • add env for password of redis
    • PostgreSQL service
    • add node.js app deployment
  • docker strategy deloyment worker


Google cloud platform

  • gcloud init

  • CD/CI

    • CI
      • Code commit on Github
      • CI server pools repo, run test
      • CI server sends notification - feedback of the integration test (script = CI server )
    • CD
      • Branches
      • Unit test
      • Automatic test
      • Code promotion
  • Docker - Kubernetes

    • Google compute engine
    • Create Kubernetes cluster
      • Cluster is ready -> get credentials
      • Deploy
      • Config load balancer
      • K8 UI
        • IAM
  • Jenkins

    • Google Kubernetes engine
    • Jenkins in the cluster
    • Google Cloud Container Registry and Google Cloud Storage
    • Get credentials : gcloud container clusters get-credentials --zone us-east1-b jenkins-cd
    • Jenkins architecture : Master - Slave -> scale the job
      • 2 nodes
      • Config Jenkins :
      • Create jenkins service
        • Jenkins UI
        • Jenkins discovery
  • Google App Engine

    • Google source repository
    • Start up / reboot script
    • Create and config GCE instance
    • Host on GAE
    • Host on Kubernetes Engine
    • Host on Google Cloud function
    • Deploy the application
      • Create and configure GCE instance
    • App Engine resource and integration
      • Data storage, Memcache, Cloud storage, Mail, Scheduled task, Task queue.
      • Push - Pull queues
  • Database : +

Microservices Devops

  • Build Docker image
  • Deploy docker image to K8
    • yml file - and deployment file

Microservices testing

  • Arquillian
  • Selenium : Java UI test
  • Cucumber : automation integration test
  • Robot framework

Tech stack

  • Java EE

  • OpenShift

  • Ansible

  • Jenkins

  • Puppet

  • IaC


Ref : docker push ${DOCKER_USER}/parse-server