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Binaries, extra files, and packages required for hipsleek to run, but are not included in that repository.

Built on loris, which is Ubuntu-14.04 with uname -a returning:

Linux loris-5 3.16.0-77-generic #99~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jun 28 19:17:10 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

So, these dependencies should work on an Ubuntu-like system.


  1. Make sure all binaries are in some directory listed in the $PATH environment variable. In other words, for each binary with name b, running which b returns the path to b.
  2. Either:
    1. Copy mona_predicates.mona to /usr/local/lib/, or
    2. Copy mona_predicates.mona to the same directory where you would invoke the mona prover. For example, if you were to run ./hip -tp mona testcases/ex5.c at the root directory of the hipsleek repository, then copy mona_predicates.mona to the root directory of the hipsleek repository.
  3. Copy mona_1.4-18 to /usr/local/.
  4. Copy reduce to /usr/local/etc/.
  5. Symlink to /usr/local/mona_1.4-18/bin/mona with the name mona, such that mona is in some directory listed in the $PATH environment variable.
  6. Add /usr/local/etc/reduce/bin to your $PATH, such that redcsl is in some directory listed in the $PATH environment variable. Note that a symlink does not work in general, because /usr/local/etc/reduce/bin/redcsl is a script that runs commands relative to the script location.

System-specific settings

If your system is different in certain ways than loris, then you may need to perform some extra steps. If you installed before performing some of these extra steps, you should reinstall. Alternatively, you can perform some of these extra steps in such a way that reinstallation is not needed.

  1. Your system information may be different than loris'. In that case, redcsl from the reduce package may not run properly:
    $ redcsl
    Failed to find a version of reduce that you have built
    try ./configure; make to build one.
    So, after all argument processing in reduce/scripts/, insert these two lines:
    exec $here/../cslbuild/x86_64-unknown-ubuntu12.04/csl/$ap $*
    exit 0
    such that the file now looks like:
    #! /bin/sh
    # This is called as
    #    run directory-it-is-in appname scriptname args
    exec $here/../cslbuild/x86_64-unknown-ubuntu12.04/csl/$ap $*
    exit 0
  2. Your system may be missing, such that fixcalc may not run properly. For example, from the directory of the hipsleek repository:
    $ cd examples/working
    $ ../../sleek --inv --dis-eps sleek/infer/app-inv.slk
    !!! **WARNING****[../../prelude.slk,sleek/infer/app-inv.slk] <snip> fixcalc: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    So symlink to /usr/lib/ with the name /usr/lib/

List of dependencies

Name Type Location on loris
oc binary /usr/local/bin/oc
fixcalc binary /usr/local/bin/fixcalc
minisat binary /usr/bin/minisat
z3-4.3.2 binary /usr/local/bin/z3-4.3.2
z3 symlink
mona_predicates.mona mona /usr/local/lib/mona_predicates.mona
mona_1.4-18 package /usr/local/mona_1.4-18
reduce package /usr/local/etc/reduce