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Releases: hirosystems/chainhook


06 Jun 20:20
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chore(release): publish v1.6.2 (#604)


15 May 16:02
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1.6.1 (2024-05-15)

Bug Fixes


09 May 00:54
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1.6.0 (2024-05-09)


  • add Bitcoin transaction index to typescript client (#568) (6f7eba4)

Bug Fixes

  • add stacks event position to ts client (#575) (3c48eeb)
  • add starting stacks height for prometheus metrics (#567) (6a8c086)
  • make bitcoin payload serialization deserializable (#569) (5f20a86)
  • set Interrupted status for streaming predicates that fail (#574) (11bde53), closes #523
  • shut down observer on bitcoin block download failure (#573) (f3530b7), closes #572


12 Apr 20:31
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1.5.1 (2024-04-12)

Bug Fixes

  • correctly track bitcoin block append metrics; add additional metrics (#563) (f85ac9e), closes #562


06 Apr 03:46
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1.5.0 (2024-04-06)


Bug Fixes

  • build error (03b3938)
  • log errors on block download failure; implement max retries (#503) (3bfb0e1)
  • metrics: update latest ingested block on reorg (#515) (823713a)
  • order and filter blocks used to seed forking block pool (#534) (a2865b7)
  • revisit 7+ blocks reorg handling (#553) (184fd07)
  • seed forking handler with unconfirmed blocks to improve startup stability (#505) (b77aca2), closes #487
  • skip db consolidation if no new dataset was downloaded (#513) (b1469a6)
  • update scan status for non-triggering predicates (#511) (32cdfee), closes #498


02 Apr 17:06
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1.4.1 (2024-04-02)

Bug Fixes

  • limit scope of stacks_rw_db usage to free lock (#543) (0c287ca)
  • resolve dependencies (#548) (86334f4)
  • return unsupported kind for PoisonMicroblock (#545) (123ec9d)


27 Mar 21:24
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1.4.0 (2024-03-27)


  • detect http / rpc errors as early as possible (ad78669)
  • use stacks.rocksdb for predicate scan (#514) (a4f1663), closes #513 #485

Bug Fixes


14 Feb 23:35
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1.3.1 (2024-02-14)

Thanks for using Chainhook! See our README for instructions on installing the latest version. Thank you to @janniks who contributed to this release, and to @aulneau who opened an issue that was fixed in this release.

If you're running a Chainhook node (i.e. chainhook service start ...), be sure to check out this note with some additional directions for enabling a fix.

Bug Fixes 🐛

fix: correctly determine PoX vs PoB block commitments (#499)

This fix changes some logic when parsing block data to correctly identify when a Stacks Block Commit is a PoX or PoB block commitment.

fix: add event index to transaction events (#495)

This PR adds the previously missing position field to a Stacks transaction event:

 "transactions": [
     "metadata": {
       "receipt": {
         "events": [
           "position": { // new field
             "index": 0 
Note: Any users running a Chainhook node (i.e. `chainhook service start ...`) will not have transaction event positions stored in the database.

Because of this, all event position will have a value of:

"position": {
  "index": 0

To rebuild the database with this data filled in:

  • Upgrade to the latest version of Chainhook
  • Delete the stacks.rocksdb folder inside the working_dir set in your Chainhook.toml
  • Rerun Chainhook

This will rebuild your Stacks database from scratch.


08 Feb 21:45
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1.3.0 (2024-02-08)

Thanks for using Chainhook! See our README for instructions on installing the latest version. This release is mostly comprised of fixes that will add some stability when using Chainhook as a service or when scanning predicates. Thank you to @ryanwaits and @Xarek-Wizard who opened issues that were fixed in this release!

✨ New Features ✨

feat: optionally serve Prometheus metrics (#473)

This feature adds the option to serve Prometheus metrics for the Chainhook service. This may be helpful for those of you who are running a long-standing Chainhook service; a Prometheus scraper can be set up to gain insights into the health of your Chainhook node. This will be particularly helpful for us to have early detection of any service degradation in the Hiro Platform's hosted Chainhook service.

The feature can be used by specifying the --prometheus-port XXXX option in the CLI, or by adding the following to your config:

prometheus_monitoring_port = 1111

Chainhook will behave as usual with this flag ommitted - metrics can still be retrieved via the observer's /ping endpoint, but they will not be formatted for ingestion by a Prometheus client.

Bug Fixes 🐛

fix: validate predicate start_block and end_block (#489)

Last week, we discovered a bug that could potentially cause Chainhook to use a massive amount of memory, which could crash a running node. This bug had to do with how we handle the start_block and end_block being set in a predicate, so we revamped the logic for this whole section of code:

  • start_block is now optional in a predicate and will have a default of 0 if omitted
  • we now require end_block to be greater than start_block
  • we now require the difference between end_block and start_block to be no more than 1_000_000. This is longer than both the Stacks and Bitcoin chains, so hopefully this isn't too limiting for our users 😅
  • BONUS FEATURE: we now allow a future start_block. If you set a predicate to have a start_block that is beyond the chain tip of the network, the predicate will be registered to Chainhook and will start being evaluated once the chain tip catches up

Some other fixes

  • adjust ordinal_number entry in ts client inscription transfer event, add new reveal data (#476) (28bf5c4)
  • remove early return for event evaluation (#484) (98f9e86), closes #469
  • remove unreachable panic; return instead (#490) (abe0fd5)
  • use cli feature for cargo chainhook-install (#486) (32f4d4e)


30 Jan 18:01
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1.2.1 (2024-01-30)

Bug Fixes

  • reduce memory usage in archive file ingestion (#480) (83af58b)