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Lukas Holecek edited this page Mar 5, 2017 · 2 revisions

This page describes how to back up tabs, configuration and commands in CopyQ.

Back Up Manually

To back up all the data, close the application first and copy configuration directory.

Path to configuration can be retrieved by running following command.

copyq info config
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\copyq
  • Portable version for Windows: config sub-folder in unzipped application directory
  • Linux: ~/.config/copyq

To restore the backup, close the application and replace the configuration directory.

Export and Import

In CopyQ 3.0.0 you can easily export selected tabs and optionally configuration and commands within the application.

Important: Tabs are always exported unencrypted and if a tab is synchronized with directory on disk the files themselves won't be exported.

To export the data click "Export..." in "File" menu and select what to export, confirm with OK button and select file to save the stuff to.

To restore the data click "Import..." in "File" menu, select file to import and select what to import.

Import won't overwrite existing tabs commands but create new ones.

Alternatively you can use command line for export and import everything (selection dialogs won't be opened).

copyq exportData {FILE/PATH/TO/EXPORT}
copyq importData {FILE/PATH/TO/IMPORT}
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