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How to build CopyQ on Windows

Lukas Holecek edited this page Apr 6, 2017 · 7 revisions

Important Notes

  • The official binaries for Windows are built with Qt 5 and MinGW (Visual Studio builds are also available).
  • The compiler toolkit must be the same that was used to build Qt.
  • This page is out-of-date so try to use latest libraries and build tools.
  • Commits in github repository are automatically built and tested at AppVeyor (see latest scripts and config file).

Download and install CMake

CMake is used to generate the Makefiles.

Download and install Qt

You have the choice between Qt 4.8.5 + MinGW 4.4, Qt 4.8.5 + Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express, Qt 5.2.1 + MinGW 4.8 or Qt 5.2.1 + Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express

Qt 4.8.5

with MinGW 4.4

with Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express (VC2010)

Qt 5.2.1

with MinGW 4.8

  • Download and install Qt 5.2.1 Qt 5.2.1 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.8, OpenGL, 634 MB)
  • After the standard installation append the following line to your PATH environment variable: ;C:\Qt\Qt5.2.1\Tools\mingw48_32\bin;C:\Qt\Qt5.2.1\Tools\mingw48_32\lib;C:\Qt\Qt5.2.1\5.2.1\mingw48_32\bin;

with Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express (VC2010)


Generating Makefiles

  1. clone the repository: git clone
  2. change into the local copy of the repository: cd CopyQ
  3. create a new folder e.g. build and change into this directory: mkdir build && cd build
  4. generate the Makefiles in the build directory: cmake ..

Depending on which Qt version and compiler you want to use you have to generate the Makefiles differently

  • Qt 4.8.5 and MinGW 4.4: cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..
  • Qt 4.8.5 and VC2010: cmake -G "Visual Studio 10" ..
  • Qt 5.2.1 and MinGW 4.8: cmake -DWITH_QT5=TRUE -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..
  • Qt 5.2.1 and VC2010: cmake -DWITH_QT5=TRUE -G "Visual Studio 10" ..

If you want to build with tests ( and debug use the additional cmake switches: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DWITH_TESTS=TRUE For example Qt 5.2.1 and MinGW 4.8: cmake -DWITH_QT5=TRUE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DWITH_TESTS=TRUE -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..


with MinGW

  • Execute via command line in the build directory: mingw32-make

with VC2010

  • Open Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010) via start menu
  • Execute in the build directory: msbuild copyq.sln /p:Configuration=Release

Additional Qt 5.2.1 dependencies

If you would like to use the CopyQ build on another Windows without Qt 5.2.1 installation you have to copy some files from Qt 5.2.1 into the CopyQ directory:

My CopyQ directory looks like this:

|   copyq.exe
|   icudt51.dll
|   icuin51.dll
|   icuuc51.dll
|   libEGL.dll
|   libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
|   libGLESv2.dll
|   libstdc++-6.dll
|   libwinpthread-1.dll
|   msvcp100.dll
|   msvcr100.dll
|   Qt5Core.dll
|   Qt5Gui.dll
|   Qt5Network.dll
|   Qt5Script.dll
|   Qt5Svg.dll
|   Qt5Widgets.dll
|       qgif.dll
|       qico.dll
|       qjpeg.dll
|       qmng.dll
|       qsvg.dll
|       qtga.dll
|       qtiff.dll
|       qminimal.dll
|       qoffscreen.dll
|       qwindows.dll
|       libitemdata.dll
|       libitemencrypted.dll
|       libitemfakevim.dll
|       libitemimage.dll
|       libitemnotes.dll
|       libitemsync.dll
|       libitemtext.dll
|       libitemweb.dll