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Gökdeniz Karadağ edited this page Dec 30, 2018 · 4 revisions

CopyQ is advanced clipboard manager with searchable and editable history with support for image formats, command line control and more.

Documentation has moved to

Basic Usage contains basic usage and examples.

Keyboard lists useful default shortcuts and describes how to change them or define new ones.

Advanced Usage has more information about tabs, sessions and data types.

Images details displaying and editing images.

Tags using tags to mark items with text or icons.

Writing Commands and Adding Functionality provides guidelines for automating some tasks and extending the application.

Scripting describes how to use scripting interface of the application.

Command Examples gives some useful ready-to-use examples of user commands.

Password Protection introduces password protected and encrypted tabs and items.

Backup explains how to back up tabs, configuration and commands.

FAQ frequently asked questions

Text Encoding

h3. Development


How to build CopyQ on Windows

Running Tests

Customize and build the Windows installer

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